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Julie and The Phantoms: Season 2: Episode 2: Complication


Julie and The Phantoms: Season 2

Season 2:Episode 2: Complications

"Thanks Julie, and I hope the flowers aren't too much. They are more of a congrats for playing the Orpheum." said Nick as he stepped into the house.

"Oh no they are beautiful and thanks I didn't know you saw the show." said Julie trying to act normal.

"Oh yeah, I heard you were playing and I just wanted to be there to support you- you guys. You and the band." Nick said acting shy because he knew he messed up a little. But as a good friend Julie is, she brushed it off as if nothing happened.

"Thanks. Hey I am going to put the flowers in a vase why don't you go wait in the living room. " Julie rushed off to the kitchen to put the flowers in water. She filled a vase that had little painted Dahlias on it. Her mom painted it. When Julie was finished she turned around to set the flowers on the table when there Luke was sitting on the island.

"Luke you almost gave me a heart attack!" Julie yelled. It was then when she realised what she had done. Nick! She yelled that she was sure Nick heard. In fact he was coming this way. Luke jumped off and they started to whisper argue till Nick came in. This was now a test. Could Nick see him?

"Oh Hi! Julie, why didn't you tell me that your band was here?" said Nick looking surprised and excited.

Julie and Luke looked at eachother wide eyed. OMG Nick could see him. Luke was visible!

"Oh yeah um, it must have slipped my mind.This is Luke and my other band-mates Alex and Reggie are in the studio. Yeah they came from Michigan to see me. They are going to be moving here because they wanted to be closer for our performances." said Julie. She didn't know what to say and was hoping what she did say was enough.

"Yep that's right." said Luke backing Julie up.

"Wait didn't you say that they were from Sweden?" said Nick now looking very confused.

Luke quickly answered, "It's a place in Michigan, small town. Looks like you need to catch up on your geography." Luke had a smug smile on his face. It was weird. Julie had never seen Luke react in that way before. She was just as confused as now Nick.

"Yep that's right, well I am going to get my notebook. Just stay here." Julie gave Luke one more look that said, be good, and she ran upstairs to get her notebook.

Nick and Luke both just stood there in awkward silence. Both of them were contemplating things about Julie. Luke couldn't get over the fact that he was going to have to watch Nick and Julie do a dance together. And how Nick just has to keep kissing up with flowers and his compliments about secret weapons. She isn't some nuclear gun or something, she is a human being!

Nick on the other hand was thinking about how this guy shows up and suddenly is going to be living with Julie. I mean he couldn't deny that they had feelings for each other. After he saw the way they looked at each other during the garage band performance, it was obvious. And ever since then Julie has a crush on someone. He knew he had to charm Julie much more than he thought. With the guys in Sweden or Michigan or whatever he had some chance against a hologram. Now Luke was here and he needed to up his game.

Julie walked back in with her notebook and saw the both boys in the silence. She knew it was going to be a long day.
Julie, Luke, and Nick walked into the studio. She had let Nick in on the plan to have the guys watch since they were going to be doing the assignment in the studio and they couldn't practice. Nick seemed cool with the idea but really he wasn't sure. When they got there Alex and Reggie were playing their instruments with Reggie strumming his bass and Alex practicing a beat. They didn't notice Julie or the other guys.

"Alex, Reggie." said Julie trying to get their attention. They both looked up and stopped what they were doing.

"Hey Julie, hey Luke. Who's this guy?" said Reggie. Alex and Reggie were both completely unaware of the fact Nick could see them.

"Alex, Reggie, this is Nick. He is going to work on a class project with me in here. Nick this is the rest of the band." said Julie, hoping that the guys would catch on. They did. Once they saw Nick wave at them they both went blank. It took them a second to snap out of it.

"Well you guys better get to it. Just pretend that we are not even here!" said Luke as he walked over to the couch and sat down. Reggie and Alex both sat down. Reggie sat next to Luke while Alex sat down on the armchair next to the couch. Nick and Julie went to the middle of the room. Julie opened her notebook and started reading her notes.

"Okay so the assignment is too choreography and dance that is slow and heartfelt. It needs to be 1 minute long and she wants us to use moves that we haven't done in class to add something fun to the whole thing." said Julie.

Nick said, "Okay well we did pretty well on our last dance so this should be easy. Well maybe, we haven't really got to practice choreographing." Nick was trying to act cool but he was actually kinda nervous. He really didn't want to be dancing in front of Julie's band. Neither did Julie.

Alex saw the worry in her eyes. So he came up with an excuse to leave. "Hey you know how I forgot my headphones at the cafe from yesterday, well I doubt they are still there so do you guys want to go help me find some new ones?" Reggie was clueless but when Alex nodded to Julie and Nick he caught on. So he agreed. On the other hand Luke just said he would stay at the studio and write some lyrics. Alex whispered to him, "behave" and then left with Reggie.

Luke grabbed his song journal and a pen and started to write down stuff. And Nick and Julie continued. It was nice for Alex and Reggie to leave but she really wished Luke would too. But instead he stayed. Luke wanted to be a jerk to Nick but hurting Nick would also hurt Julie so he just got into the songwriting zone.

About a half hour later Julie and Nick were struggling to figure out a dance. Not only were they not the best choreographers, the awkward feelings they had for each other were starting to rise to the surface. Luke broke out of the zone and saw them struggling. So he decided to step in and help.

"Okay this isn't going too well. How about you try something like this." Nick stepped aside and Luke took Julie's hand. And they started to dance a little. But this wasn't just any dance. She recognized this. It was Perfect Harmony! She could not believe this was happening. Just like in her dream, Luke was an amazing dancer. He had shown Julie and Nick about 30 seconds of the dance. Luke saw how annoyed Nick was starting to become. And he thought maybe he should continue to help them out.

They practiced until Julie's dad came home with the groceries and breakfast. Alex and Reggie came back and Nick left.

"Hey thanks Luke for helping us out with the dance. I just need to figure out what song we are going to dance to and we will be set." said Julie starting to grab her notebook.

Luke grabbed it for her and said, "You know we can write a song for the dance. How impressed would your teachers be?"

Julie thought for a moment. She knew exactly what song they would write. But everytime she thinks about that song she can only imagine dancing it with Luke. But he was right, her teacher would be impressed. So she agreed.

Julie walked into the kitchen to find her dad and Carlos unloading groceries into the fridge and cabinets. Julie knew she needed to figure out a way to tell her dad that her band was here. Maybe also that they were dead. Her dad looked up holding a head of lettuce.

"Oh hey Julie! Me and Carlos decided we are going to make Omelets and have these Cream cheese muffins on the side. I hope your stomach can wait another 20 minutes." said Ray. Carlos was unpacking some goldfish crackers and putting them away.

"Hey dad, I need to tell you something and I need you to not freak out." said Julie. She didn't know how she was going to say things. So she just blurted it out.

"My band is here dad... and... they are ghosts." said Julie. She was worried about her dad's reaction. And she was right to be worried.

"Um... mija, what are you talking about. You know what, I won't ask, let me just see if Dr. Turner is open for an appointment." said Ray as he was grabbing his phone.

"Papi, it's true. They are ghosts. Remember when we made the french dip because I thought the ghost in our house was a chef, well I was wrong. I found a CD or a cassette or whatever with a picture of her bandmates on it. But the music player thingy was from 1995." Carlos was backing Julie up and Julie appreciated it.

Ray was completely and utterly stunned. He didn't know what to say. Ghosts? Ghosts.

"Julie, Carlos, where are these ghosts?"

Julie nodded her dad over to the front door but before they left Julie called over Carlos.

"Carlos the guys are in the studio, just tell them to poof in the house in 30 seconds. Carlos nodded and ran out the door. Ray was so confused and worried about his kids going crazy.

"Julie what is going on, you are trying to tell me there are three ghosts who were living in our garage! Come one!" Ray was starting to get mad.

"Dad I know it sounds crazy, it is crazy. I needed to tell you because something is happening to them. People are starting to see them. Carlos saw them and so did NIck. I didn't tell you before because I didn't want you to think I was crazy. But please just, just trust me." The look Julie gave her dad pleaded. He calmed down. Carlos ran back into the house. Panting not wanting to miss a second of what was about to go down.

Okay, I let them know they should poof up any min-" Carlos was cut off by the guys showing up behind the Molina's. Ray gasped as the guys appeared. And he held on to his daughter's hand. She carefully let go and walked towards the guys. They guys were excited to meet Ray for the first time but they were also afraid. Luke wanted to make a good first impression just like the rest of the guys. But he wanted to have a good impression because Luke likes Julie. And its bad enough that he is dead so he wanted it to go perfectly.

Reggie already adored Ray but he was afraid that the same would not be for Ray. Reggie never really had a good relationship with his parents because his parents never stopped arguing to pay attention to him. All Reggie wanted was parents who cared. And Ray seemed to be the best.

Alex was afraid because when he came out to his parents, people weren't as accepting as they are today. And Alex was still trying to adjust to it. So meeting anyone especially parents and adults was still nerve wrecking.

"Papi, this is Luke, Reggie, and Alex." They waved and Ray calmed down. He stepped closer and he shook all of their hands.

"Well, I wasn't expecting to meet you guys like this. But this explains why we never met sooner. I just want to say, thank you. You boys brought the light back into my daughters eyes and the music back into her soul. I can't wait to get to know all of you." The guys were super excited and Julie was too.

"Wait so that means they can stay?" Julie was really hoping for a yes.

"Of course. They can stay in the studio and we will get them some air mattresses" Julie, Luke, Alex and Reggie jumped up and down with excitement. This couldn't have gone better.

Ray realised something, "Oh hey, I don't know if you guys can eat but I am going to make Omelets and Cream Cheese muffins. Would you want some." The guys nodded aggressively.

"So Ray, can I call you Ray? Thanks, so Julie has told me that you like photography." Reggie was walking away towards the kitchen. Soon they were both laughing and having fun. Alex went to join along. He wasn't as open as Reggie but he was trying. Luke to Julie to the side.

"I can't believe it!" Luke hugged Julie and Julie hugged back. But after a few seconds Luke and Julie released in an awkward way.

"I know this is amazing! Come on my dad could use some help with breakfast and besides, we need to test if you can eat. We know that you can now sleep and be seen and you can touch things again." Julie and Luke both realized what she had just said. They looked at each other wondering the same thing. Were the guys coming back to life?

Breakfast was a hit. They guys were able to eat and the gorged down everything. Reggie, Luke, and Alex were hitting it off with Ray and they were just having a good time. Luke made a great impression on Ray, Reggie and Ray were becoming fast friends, and even though Alex hadn't told Ray that he is gay yet he could tell that it would go pretty smoothly.


Meanwhile back at Nick's house things were very rocky. Nick was sitting on his bed with the most blank exterior ever. Though in his brain much more things were happening.

"So you want to use me to get close to the guys. And if I let you, you will make sure me and Julie get together?" Nick wasn't as scared as he thought. It was like his mind was closed off after he was possessed. He didn't even remember it. He didn't really want to trick Julie but he really wanted to be with her, by any means necessary.

"Very good Nick. Now we will both have control over you but when I need to turn on, you will let me handle things. You will follow my orders if you want to make sure you don't mess things up with miss Molina. So do we have a deal?"

Caleb put his hand forward and Nick shook his hand. He really didn't realize what he was getting himself into. But a purple stamp appeared on his arm. Now even though he wasn't dead yet, his soul will be Calebs once he is.

End of Episode 2

SOOOO. WHAT DO OU GUYS THINK???!!! I cant wait for you guys to read some more. The next chapter will have more Willex stuff so keep an eye out!

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