Chapter 3

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Luke's POV

I lay on my bed constantly throwing the ball up and catching it again as it looses it's gravity and goes back down. All day I have been thinking about Nevaeh. I wanted to know if she was okay, if she was safe. So far she hasn't been in contact with me since the accident........

After enough thinking I got off my lazy ass and went to the shower, later I am planning to go to the store 'cause I dont have any food left. I went into the shower and rinsed myself.

Out of the shower and getting dressed into black jeans, Niravana t - shirt and black sneakers. I grabbed my keys and went into the car, turns out there's no more petrol, so I decided to walk.


Luke's POV

I am sitting here again in the same hospital where the last accident happened. Who would do such a thing? Why did they do it? How could they? By the time I finished these thoughts I noticed that my fists were clenched. I calmed down and stood up and walked up and down constantly. I stopped in my tracks when the nurse came out. "You may come in now" she said smiling weakly, I quickly paced myself to the room and checked up on her. Her face was bruised and her arms were full of cuts and bruises. I couldn't bare to see her like this. It had to be her boyfriend, I just knew it.


I turned to see Nevaeh squinting her eyes trying to open them.

"Hey" I said, but then I remembered something else that was on my mind " who did this to you?" I asked worried about her. She stood silent " Please tell me" I held onto her hand, "please....I care about you." She blushed at this comment.

"She...she said if I tell anyone she will hurt me more...and she said she will hurt you too..." She replied

My heart ached. WAIT. DID SHE SAY SHE!

"Who?, Who is she?" I asked still holding her hand.

" Kenndricks" she murmured, tears welling up in her eyes

"" I said shocked. That b!tch.

"Don't worry I will take care of her for you."


"You don't have to" she said just above a whisper.

" I will, no matter what"

She smiled at this and I loved it. I loved her.

Nevaeh's POV

I liked how Luke was constantly caring for me. But that made me think twice about my relationship with Jake. He hasn't helped me with anything, plus I know he's cheating on me with Mia. I looked around the room and found Luke sleeping on the chair next to me. He looked so cute. I decided to get my phone and take a few pictures. I'm going to keep these for sure. I put my phone away and rest my head on the pillow but before I did that I called the nurse in to bring a small mattress in for Luke to sleep on. Later they carried Luke carefully not to wake him up and placed him on the mattress laying him on a pillow and laying a blanket on him. My eyes closed as sleep took over my body.


Nevaeh's POV

I wake up to the sound of my mum and dick AKA Richard fighting. They always are. I decided to call Luke to ask if I could come over. Grabbing the phone next to me I tapped a few icons and Luke answered.

"Hey," I said

"What are you doing up this early?" He answered sounding really tired, I looked at the time and it was 3 am in the morning.

Sacrifices - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now