Chapter 5

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Weeks and months went on without much change in the routine. Jiang Cheng was happy that his brother was becoming more and more compliant with anything he requested from him. Although at times, he would still try to protest, it was only a rare occurrence that Jiang Cheng made sure to correct immediately. His brother's loyalty now belonged to him.

And that was entirely. The boy would now never go to anyone else with anything, with any problems or for comfort. He would only ever come to Jiang Cheng, let him do whatever he wanted and then be grateful for a few nice words or a gentle touch. It was not hard, really.

Wei Ying even took it upon himself to please Jiang Cheng however he could and he started to flunk in his education and training, completely on purpose so he would not be better than his younger brother, at least when anyone else was looking. Jiang Cheng thrived in that even though he was still angry and jealous because he knew that when he was now the better of the two siblings in others' eyes, it was not true in reality. Wei Ying was simply more talented and Jiang Cheng resented that fact.

That was why he had once again decided to step over the line on the day when his father had officially given Wei Ying his custom made sword and named him the head disciple of the Yunmeng Jiang sect.

Of course he should have seen that coming. He really should, but it still enraged him as nothing as of late, as the fact that Wei Ying had joined their family in the first place. Still, it was humiliating to see someone receive their sword and such an important position in the heart of the sect a few years before it would have been customary. A few years before Jiang Cheng himself would get his own sword, and he was even the sect heir none less! That was simply unjust.

And he had the perfect plan in mind. When the festivities finished for the evening with a great banquet in Wei Ying's – well, officially Wei Wuxian now but Jiang Cheng would keep calling him by his birth name, it now gave him a feeling he was somehow special and also closer to Wei Ying – honour and the two boys headed back, Jiang Cheng turned to Wei Ying mid-way.

He knew he was most probably scowling but he could not quite help it right now, not when rage and so many other overwhelming emotions which he could not even name were swirling inside of him. Just as he had predicted, Wei Ying had been smiling brightly at him, apparently waiting for congratulations for his achievement. Not that he would get any though, at least not right now. Perhaps once Jiang Cheng would vent his anger and would once again see the boy as his brother and not someone who was constantly taking his place in other peoples' eyes and hearts.

His mood sour, Jiang Cheng did not even try to hide his displeasure when he spoke: "Big Brother, go wait in your room for me. Kneel down until I come."

Wei Ying seemed taken aback and his expression fell but he nodded his head and immediately turned around and went to his own room. With the title of the head disciple came also another arrangement. The boy was now having his own room; he was not sharing Jiang Cheng's room anymore. Although the Yunmeng Jiang sect heir should have probably been overjoyed that he no longer needed to see and hear Wei Ying all the time, he was in reality lamenting his loss. He did not even know why he was feeling like he had just lost one of his loved ones.

Still, this new arrangement actually served him quite well. Now it would be easier for him to go see Wei Ying whenever he wanted and also to let him wait for his comfort for as long as he wanted. He always had to hold back because his mother would sometimes come check on him and he did not want her to know what he was doing to Wei Ying.

Sure, his mother would have probably only nodded and encouraged him, but it would still feel like he would lose his precious secret. And it would have also been a disaster if she would see him while he was giving Wei Ying his hard earned comfort and a bit of kindness. As for his father, there was no danger in that, he would never go see his children in their rooms. Now however, he finally had free reign; Yu Ziyuan would never step foot in Wei Ying's room.

Once Wei Ying left his sight, Jiang Cheng sneered triumphantly, there was no way that he was going to his brother's room this soon, he loved when Wei Ying would cling to him after having knelt for hours and how his legs would tremble and the pain would bring tears to his eyes.

Instead, he went to the stables where he picked up a whip. It was in no way anywhere near the quality of his mother's spiritual weapon but it would have to do for now. He had dreamt of this day for so long already; every time he would trace the marks left on his brother's back, he thought how satisfying it would be to be the one who had inflicted them. Afterwards, he would treat them with the utmost care so Wei Ying's back would be prepared for him whenever he wished.

He went back to his own room and slept, his dreams filled with anticipation for the events to come.

He woke up refreshed and prepared himself for the day quickly. He made sure to have plenty of time before breakfast to go finally visit Wei Ying. The hallways and bridges were deserted; everyone was still sleeping after yesterday's celebration. No one saw him opening the door of his brother's room and sneaking in.

Just as he had expected, Wei Ying was kneeling in the middle of the room, his head falling to his shoulder ever so often, he must have been extremely sleepy. Something roared in satisfaction inside Jiang Cheng's chest. Wei Ying was now listening to his every word as if it was a law.

His brother did not notice him yet and Jiang Cheng relished in the knowledge that it was for him that Wei Ying was subjecting himself to this. After several minutes, Jiang Cheng finally cleared his throat to let his presence be known. He would like to wait for longer but then, there would have not been enough time for the main event.

Wei Ying's head turned around immediately and a hopeful smile bloomed on his lips: "A-Cheng..."

Jiang Cheng's own lips moved to mirror a cruel caricature of his brother's smile as he uncurled the whip he had brought with him.

"Big Brother, what have I told you about calling me anything but 'Little Brother' when we are alone?"

"Little Brother, I am sorry..." Wei Ying started and Jiang Cheng could see his breathing picking up in panic. He liked that.

"Big Brother, it is fine, I know you are sorry." There was very visible relief on Wei Ying's face, which disappeared as soon as Jiang Cheng's next words left his mouth. "But I need you to remember it even before you make such a mistake next time. I have brought you a gift." Jiang Cheng moved the whip a bit for Wei Ying to see it better and relished again at his brother's terrified expression. "Now, do not worry. I know how to use it. And I also know that you are quite familiar with what to do in this kind of situation. Now, show me how good you are for my mother."

Wei Ying was visibly trembling when he got up, stumbled a little bit because his legs went all numb from the kneeling and went to stand next to a wall. He faced the wall and put his hands on it, spreading his legs a little bit in something that Jiang Cheng could only assume was an attempt at having a more stable position. His back was facing Jiang Cheng, waiting for him to strike.

But Jiang Cheng hesitated. When it would be fun to ruin Wei Ying's ceremonial robes he had worn to the banquet yesterday and have him punished for that later, it would be even more satisfying to see the strikes take form on his bare back.

Yes, that would be so much better, decided Jiang Cheng and asked sweetly: "Big Brother, can you take off your robes for me?"

Wei Ying's body shook in a terrible shiver but he complied without saying a word. Now his bare back was fully on display and Jiang Cheng finally could lift the whip and make that mark he so wished for appear on the marred skin. On to the next one, and the next one.

He only stopped when Wei Ying fell down, unconscious. His back was a gorgeous picture of red swells, no blood was coming out though, Jiang Cheng would probably have to learn how to use the whip properly.

He hurried to his brother's side and scoped him into his arms. His fingers started tracing the welts almost unconsciously as he waited for Wei Ying to open his eyes so he would be able to sooth him and comfort him. Then he would treat his wounds and they would go to breakfast together as if nothing ever happened. 

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