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No Ones POV:
It was now morning and everyone was awake, Mikey though didn't sleep a wink ever since he found out about the Hanahaki disease. Not only that, but his body will gradually get weaker and weaker if not treated, but how was this.. thing to be treated.
Mikey sighed and got up, thankfully he hadn't had an attack during those hours he had been awake at night. He opened his door and made his way to the kitchen. "Morning Mikey." Leo said, Mikey lifted his head from the ground and saw his oldest brother and leader, Mikey's frown soon turned to a smile, "morning Bro!" Mikey smirked. He then looked that saw Leo was stationed at the kitchen desk, where ingredients and all sorts were at, meaning he was making something, making Mikey's smile drop. "W-what are you making?" Mikey Asked. Leo shrugged, "eggs and some toast." Leo mumbled. Mikey nodded, "oh hey, I saw the roses in the living room, they're really nice." Leo mentioned, making Mikey's breath hitch. "Y-yeah, you know what, I'm just gonna chill in the living room, maybe read some comics." Mikey laughed nervously and backed away from the kitchen and towards the living room. There he saw Donnie leave his lab, "hey D!" Mikey smirked. Donnie looked up and met his red eyes with Mikey's baby blue ones. "Morning Mikey. Nice flowers." Donnie said and walked away. Mikey sighed and slumped on the bed, he turned on the TV and watched some random show.
After a while Raph showed up. "Hey knucklehead, my turn on the TV." Raph said snatching the remote and turned the show to a different one, Mikey didn't mind since he was getting bored of the show he was watching before.
Until Mikey felt his lungs begin to sting. Mikey's eyes widened and he got up in a rush and ran to his room. Slamming the door shut, grabbing the same box he used to throw up the blood and flowers; including the petals, in.

Leo and Donnie poke they're heads out of the kitchen, "Uh- he okay?" Donnie asked, Raph shared a single "humpf" while shrugging his shoulders. The blue and purple masked turtles sigh and carry on what they were currently doing. Although Master Splinter was all too convinced his son was okay. Splinter left the Dojo and went towards Mikey's room, hearing light coughing from the other end, "Michelangelo? Are you alright?" Splinter asked, knocking with his index finger, he heard Mikey gag and a bunch of shuffling sounds, "y-y-yeah pap.. can you j-just-" Mikey was Interrupted by a single cough and carried on speaking, "just a glass of w-water?" Mikey asked, Splinter had noticed that right now his son sounded quite parched, so Splinter walked away towards the kitchen.

Mikey held his throat, he had forcefully pulled out the rose, it was half way out but Splinter knocked on asking questions, so Mikey grabbed the rose and yanked it out, he spork but then coughed out blood and carried on requesting a flower. Mikey closed the box and blended it with the other pizza box's. Mikey's limbs felt limp. The young turned and saw a glass of water on his night stand, he dunked the rose in there and washed off the blood the best he could. The water had turned a light red, Mikey just hid it under his bed for now.
Splinter had entered and looked at his son sitting on his bed, holding the orange rose. "Here you go my son. And where do you keep getting these flowers?" Splinter asked, taking hold of the thrones rose and replaced it with the glass of water in Mikey's hands. Mikey downed the thing within seconds. "And where did you get that blood on your chin?" Splinter raised a brow, he was concerned but didn't show it. "Oh- I uuuh, bit my lip is all, nothing much." The orange turtle shrugged. Splinter hummed. "be more careful dear child." Splinter spoke, stroking Mikey's head softly. "And I get the roses froooom, the surface! I grab one every time I go on patrol." Mikey smiled. Splinter nodded, stroking his beard. "Very well, I'll go put this with the rest." Splinter asked. "Training will be in an hour." Splinter lastly said; he had said that because he saw how weak his son looked, but him thinking it could be a simple cold, an hour or so should do to gain some energy.
As Splinter said, he put the orange rose with the collection of roses.

Little did he know that the roses could be the death of his youngest son...

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