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•Mikey's POV:•
I sighed in disappointment as I put my head in my hands. I felt tears prick at the end of my eyes, 'how am I gonna do this? How am I gonna live..' I whimpered as these thoughts swarmed my head. I can't live forever..
'I wonder how long I have left..' I thought. I picked up the book I had borrowed from Donnie's lab and flipped to the Hanahaki page reading through paragraphs to find my answer... two months... that's not long...

I choked back a scream, I wanted my brothers arms around me, I wanted their warm comfort but I needed to do this myself.
I closed the book and hid it under my pillow. I heard a knock on my door, "Mikey, it's time for Patrol!" Leo said through the closed door as I nodded to myself mainly, "ok bro! I'll be right out!" I shouted, pretending to sound happy. I heard my oldest brothers footsteps drift off as he walked away. I looked at myself in the mirror, I can tell I'm losing weight. I need to do stuff for my family for my last two months. I opened the door to my bedroom and went to the lair door. "Took you long enough." Raph complained once I arrived, crossing his arms.
"Sorry Raphie, anyway lets go." I faked a smile, they nodded, "don't call me Raphie.." Raph grunted, glaring at me with his emerald eyes as I just ignored him.

Time skip

We were hopping over building until I felt the scorching pain in my chest, I immediately paused from my running state, my energetic energy about to go to waste from coughing this stupid flowers...

"Mikey?" Donnie asked, I looked at my third oldest brother and smiled weakly, "I'll catch up, carry on." I shooed his away. "Are you sure? Are you okay??" Donnie asked, checking my body over for any wounds, "I'm fine! Just need to catch my energy." I faked a smile. Donnie nodded with a hum and catches up with Raph and Leo. I hid behind a part of the building where my bro's won't be able to see me; even if they turned around. I began to violently cough, gag and choke. Heavy tears streamed down my now turning blue face.
Petals were forced out as I coughed, I held onto my throat, the burning sensation never ending, blood was flushing out. Seemingly enough the burning seemed to have stopped. 'Strange no flower?' I weakly thought, I collapsed to my knees, breathing heavily trying to get my breath back.
I leans my back on the exit door and closed my breath, happily the pain was done, but my energy was drained. I don't even think I can get up. Either way I forced my strained legs declined my movement. But I had too. I weakly walked to the ledge of the building, 'do I even have the energy to jump? I can barely walk...' I thought. I coughed up a bit more blood but pushing myself on the large step on the ledge and ran forward then jumped....

"Oof!" I huffed as I landed on my plastron, I got up with shakes arms. I yawned as I forced myself up, I then sat at the ledge that was behind me... 'I need to restore my energy' I thought, closing my eyes and letting my eye lids and muscles rest... this is so hard...

Not A Love Hanahaki... [Tmnt] [[DISCONTINUED]]Where stories live. Discover now