Finding Shelby

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Finding my mom was going to be harder than I thought. How is it that the adoption place does not feel the need to put her last name. Me and Finn looked all over town for this Shelby girl but we could not find her. I am going to be really depressed again if I have to stay with Shelby. When I say again I mean i was depressed before. I was sexually abused by my boyfriend and that is also why we moved to Lima. Nobody knows that yet.

Rachel has been upset lately and I understand why. Not knowing where you parent is. That is how I felt, depressed when I didnt know where my dad was. But I cant let her be in the condition I was in. She is too pretty and kind to be depressed. The only way to get her frown upside down is too track Shelby down. But how? I cant do it with Rachel or she would be too dissappointed if it does not work out. I need to take her to her house and make her go to sleep. She hasn't slept peacefully in couple days now.

FINN: Rachel, I am really tired. Lets go to you house and lets go to sleep for a while so we can be fresh and have energy to look for Shelby again.

RACHEL: Okay. Only for a little bit though. We need to find her as soon as possible.

FINN: Okay.

Rachels house
FINN POV: I took Rachel to her bed and she just went straight to sleep. I guess she was so tired but never showed it. She looks so pretty when she is sleeping. Ugh I just want to kiss her already. What am I doing? I need to go to the adoption center right away. I leave Rachels house and I drive for about half an hour to 45 minutes before reaching the location. The place is dirty and looks so gross. No wonder the papers weren't submitted. I slowly walked in and walked to the receptionist.

FINN: Hi. I am Finn Hudson, I am looking for a person named Shelby. She is the birthmom of a girl named Rachel Berry.

THE RECEPTIONIST: Yes, that is me what can I do for you?

Sorry that this was not all too long of a chapter.

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