Chapter 1: Autumn

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It was a rainy beautiful afternoon, the clouds were mysterious grey and life filled sky then with glorious rain, it was as if they were slowly dancing downward from the clouds the fall from; ...Her head was cloudy full of thoughts as she had just woken to a messy room, she had wondered if her cat had sunk into her room at night, did she have a party in her; did she go mad. She took a short glare at the clock and the calendar, the design board and the loose fabric lying on the floor; She was staring at her room more confused when it struck her,

 that she had a job interview in thirty minutes. She jumped out of her bed and ran to the shower.

So she took a quick shower, rummaged through her closet. All that was clean; she came a white sweater (with a coffee stain) with a black pencil skirt; she ran to the kitchen and made a fresh cup of ice tea and grabbed her bag and ran for her own dear life.

Fortunately , it was not too far of a distance to run too.

 the scent of the rain and cold breeze filled the tiny holes in her sweater. The streets were buzzing with vehicles swiftly driving down the lanes; the water was pouring down heavily.   She was running knowing she was late, she couldn't help but to smile.  She was starting to feel a sense of home through these city, it was though she had lives here whole life. She was not more than a block away , her skin damped underneath the drenched clothing, but her priority was to get the building, it was the reason she moved here .... 

Autumn, but you know her as 'she,' is 23 years with long silky brunette hair. She has just graduated from university. She is not clean nor organised. She loved designing since the age of 16. Her granny was her hiding place whenever she was running away from danger, there she learned how to sew. Autum loved the feeling of creating something that she could wear, that made with her own hands. During her adolescent years, she would make clothes for her friends. 

Her mother; did not agree with her passion "you should think about something safer" she would nag.  Series of arguements came from the tense topic, it led the to the distancing bettween the two. she grew a hatred towards her mother. Shouting and yelling at her always whenever she brought, she wanted to be a designer. This took a toll on both relationships bother daughter and husband.

Autumn's Father supported her wishes wholeheartedly, he would secretly take her to the shops to buy fabric, thread, a mannequin and all the supplies she needed. He would love to take her to convictions of fashion design. After the divorce,  she chose to live with her father and rarely ever saw her mother. Her heart ached when she realise that her dream university was a lot further than she anticipated. Her father assured her that he would be fine, so she left home. Then never return.

The sudden burst of doors made everyone's head turn. Hand on her knees, her clothing drenched, the water pooling under her. Autumns stood there gasping. Making her way to the reception desk.

 The building was huge and stunning. It was a warehouse, with white bricks covered the walls and black desks all around the area there was not a wall in sight except the ones covering the building; on the far back of the grand warehouse stood the sign Revolution in black. On the wall with no windows hung, big bold pictures of people's pictures of models on the walls in black filters, and colourful outfits. Light flooding in with Giant black framed windows all around with views of the street and the street art that gave the designers ideas. The desks were all standing next to each in columns  except for those in glass rooms that were meant for studios and excutives

She walked up to the reception desk at the desk near the door "hi I'm here for the design interview." She said leaning on the desk, realising how tired and wet she was.

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