Chapter 5: Should've Kept Quiet

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When he woke that morning, it had not been his alarm but the piercing cold winter breeze that snuck into his room. He realised that his window was wide open and had forgotten to close it earlier. He got out of grumpily and went to shut the window as he looked out and saw the glowing street of his neighbourhood. He remember what happened a few hours ago and smiled. He dragged himself to his closet to search for another blanket, disregarding the mess that he had made on the floor. He found one thick blanket and lingered on his bed and tossed it over his thin blanket. When he plummeted onto his bed as he closed his eyes. His alarm started ringing, he groaned and covered the sheets over his head.

Five minutes later, he woke up, tired and grouchy, he went to take a shower. When he came the earlier blues were gone ( writers note: this is a bit personal because that's how it normally works for me, normally when I wake up I act as if I was going to murder someone but after a shower/bath I'm okay, anywho back to the story). He went downstairs and his mother was nowhere to be seen, he went to her room and she was in her blanket. Deep into sleep, he almost didn't want to wake her up. It had been a while since he saw his mom so peaceful on the bed asleep. However, he knew he had to wake his mother and so he did.

"Mom, it's time to wake up", he said softly whispering in her ear, nudging her a bit

But she stayed the same. He tried to call a bit louder and harder but she only turned around.

"Mom, the store is on fire!" he shouted.

His mom shot out of her bed as if it was her bed. She looked at Felix who was laughing, his mother glared at him, she lifted her head threatening to hit him but took her blanket to cover her body instead.

"Mom you can't sleep wake up", she Felix pushing his mom,

She groaned and got out of the bed, but moved ever so slowly, looking back at Felix with every move she moved.

"Go on," He said to her

She rolled her eyes and made her way to her bathroom, he got up and made his breakfast as he sat down to eat his mother in an enormous puff jacket coming out of her room. He offered her a cup of warm hot chocolate as a gift for forgiveness, his mother saw through his gesture and gladly accepted the cup of forgiveness. Felix said his farewells to his mother and headed off for work, as he was walking he heard a familiar voice behind him screaming his name. He then felt an extra weight on his back.

"Where have you been," said the voice behind him

"As far I could ever be from you," he said to the voice behind him "Hello Michele"

She jumped off of him and stood in front of him

"Hi Felix", she asked

"it's been months that you've been back and you haven't tried to say hello" Michele

"Why are you making so much noise in the morning," said Felix said playfully

"I regret the day I met you", she replied

"That's a bit dramatic," he replied

"Whatever, now tell me why you haven't been talking to me anymore?" she asked

"I changed my phone number and I didn't know you were in town."

"What type of best friend doesn't look for their best friend?"

"The type that's always busy"

"OK, then let's catch up with one another"

"What part of busy do you not understand?"

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