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I have so many drafts that I wanted to write and then post them all together but I figured it was to long since my last update. I'll keep working on drafts I promise.

You play JJs love interest; lyla (chose who your related too if you wanna be related to someone)

Since you got the part you and Rudy instantly clicked and became best friends, eventually that turned into lovers.

You were your happiest with him and everyone knew that.

You guys do share an apartment together but some days one of you has to leave earlier then the other, or stay later then the other, or your guys schedule matches. Today was one of the different days, You had to go in at 4am while Rudy had to go in at 6am. Doesn't help that you and Rudy had a movie night and didn't go to bed until 12/1am.

I quickly turn my alarm off so it doesn't wake Rudy, I quickly but quietly got in the shower and after quickly did your routine.

I walked out of the bathroom, going to the living room and getting my purse, then going back upstairs to my room, and I grab my charger, and my phone putting them in my purse.

I then go back to the living room and quickly driving to Starbucks, I get (your order) which consists of iced coffee and since it's fall you got the pumpkin one and a breakfast sandwich, you then also got Rudy a hot coffee and a breakfast sandwich when you got your stuff you drove back home, going inside and putting his coffee and sandwich in the microwave so it stays warm, you grabbed the note pad and quickly wrote to him


I already left for work, I got you coffee and a sandwich from Starbucks, it's in the microwave.

I'll see you soon

I love you.

I took it to our room and set it on his night stand, I then left the room, grabbed my purse and went back to the car, eating your sandwich on the way.

Skip time
I've just pulled up to set, I see a few cast members like Drew, Austin, Madison, Madelyn, and JD and a few others then pretty much all of the behind the scenes members.

I grab my coffee and purse and exit the car quickly locking it.

Madison sees me and runs over to me, bringing me into a hug

"good morning." Madison says

"good morning."

"you want to walk with me to hair and makeup? I need to get touch ups. " she asks

"yeah, I have to go there anyway, but I need to stop at my trailer first." you respond

"ok." You both walk to your trailer, and you unlock it and open it, setting your purse down and grabbing your phone the going to the table and getting your script

"ok I got everything let's go." You said as you had your iced coffee, phone, and script in your hands

You and Madison walk out and go to hair and makeup, and after you go to costumes to get your outfit for the show on

Then you start filming.

Skip a few hours

Rudys pov
I had just woken up from my alarm, I turn it off and see a note.

I quickly read it and by the end of reading it I have a huge smile on my face.

It was from my girlfriend.

I set it down and go to the bathroom, getting In the shower and once done doing my routine.

I go to the kitchen getting the coffee and sandwich y/n bought me and I eat the sandwich and drink some of the coffee.

I grab my wallet, phone, charger, and lighter and put them in my pockets, I grab my keys and walk out with my coffee in my hands, and I make sure to lock the apartment

I get into my car and drive to set

Skip time
I've just gotten out of my car and was walking towards my trailer, I take my charger out and put it on the table as I most likely won't even need it but I still bring it just in case, I then grab my script and walk to hair and makeup to get the special affects done, after I go to costume and now I'm fully JJ.

I walk to the place there filming and see y/n leaned up against a trailer that we supply everything in, watching Madison and JD filming there scene.

I walk behind her, and hug her from behind.

She looks back and sees me

"hey" y/n greets

"hey" I lean down and give her a kiss, and once we pull away she cuddles into me, still in the position of me hugging her from behind.

"how many scenes have you filmed so far?" I ask

"uhh 4 I think, but we had to keep re shooting it like 5 times each" she replys

"im sorry" I said that as he kissed your cheek

"how are you feeling?" I ask

"tired. Extremely tired. " When he heard that he pulled you closer to him

"are you on break?" he asks

"yeah, but Jonas asked me to take a few pictures of you guys while filming so we can chose the ones we want to edit as the pictures to announce season 2, and then Madelyn will take pictures of me, I should probably go get my camera ready" you say

(I know Elaine is the photographer for them and the assistant, but I don't really know what happened other then she gets a lot of hate and I don't want that in my comments so, I won't really mention her)

You said that as you got out of his grip and started walking away

He leaned forward and grabbed you by your belt loops and pulled you back to his chest

"No, you can do that later, come with me" Before you could protest he grabbed your hand and started pulling you along with him, taking you to his trailer.

He opened his trailer door and walked in with you behind him and closed the door.

He layed down of the couch in his trailer and opened his arms

"c'mere" he says, You sigh and walk over, laying on top of him immediately cuddling into him, and he wraps his arms around you.

Eventually you fall asleep so he takes his phone out of his pocket, which was really hard as he didn't want to wake you up. Once his phone is in his hands he texts Jonas

Rudy Pankow
Hey, I took y/n to my trailer. She said how she was extremely tired and had to take photos, I thought it would be best if she took a nap as she could barely keep her eyes open. So she's with me taking a nap.
[ Rudy Pankow is his name in Jonas's phone]

Jonas (Obx)
Yeah that's fine, I'll come get you guys when needed.
[Jonas (Obx) is his name in Rudy's phone]

Rudy sent and "ok" and then turned his phone off, letting sleep consume him too.

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