Chapter 38 (this must be the end part2)

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Note: italize words means its in thier special link or they just cant speak loudly
Zayn' POV

I run as fast as I can following Louis all over the place. We all know we're running out of time and to hear that they discovered something may help us.

I cant let the people down especially Arianna's gobw we dont know what's in store for us.

My heart beats faster as we got nearer.

I could feel my hands getting sweaty.
What if they they died?
What if something bad happened?
What if ... what if

Alot of things run across my mind partnering my current pace.

The familiar dor finaly came in view and what I saw is not the thing I wanted to see.

"W--what ha--ppened?"

There in a hospital bed. Perrie and Dani are strapped full of scratches and cuts. Blood ozing off them.

Suddenly rage starts boiling from inside me, qaiting to be released.

"Who did this?"

No one answered


I could feel the fire forming under my balled fists

"Its them" Harry's unbelievably small voice said.


"Calm the fuck down Zayn." Niall shouted, which is shocking.

" its them. They're the spies. They're the ones feeding Jason's crew all our strategies. It seetma they've been doing it ever since we got turned. " Niall said calmly

"But how" I whispered, shock that this is happening.

I know someone could back stab us just... not them

"it seems Dani, Perrie, El, Sophia, and the other little mix girls have been hooking up with Jason and Jacob even before we're all together (Attention all readers what evr you're reading ia truly fiction. None of this happened. I also don't hate thier girlfriends and ex girlfriends... so please dont send hate. I actualy love all those girls.. this is just for the sake of ending the story. .. thank for your cosideration.) And according to Liam's research with the help of all other medics, they've been poisned... btain washed and all. The effect can be turn off or in depending on the likes of the controller. In this case, the twins..." Louis said

To say I'm shock is the understatement of the year.

Im having mixed emotions right now.

" but why would they need them ahead of time. They didnt even knew who we are by then..."I asked

" they're witches Zayn.  They have powers. They looked in the future."Liam said

I took my time digesting everything before asking the question that's been bothering me.

"What will happe  to them?"

"We have to shut them down. "


Harry's POV

Seeing thia scene is disturbing but helping them do it, im aure im honna puke any minute.

Currently we cant trust anyone so here we are. All 5 of us standing in a circle around the girls preparing ourselves for whats about to happen.

"You ready?" Liam asked.

We muttered our agreement and let the process play.

Al 5 of us access differenr elements to make the process easier