Chapter 3~Rough Day

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You start to wake up after finally going to sleep somewhere and 4.

"Jarvis what time is it" you asked while still half asleep.

"It is 6:50am miss L/n, would you like me to cancel you run with miss Romanoff?" He asked

"NO NO!" You yelled while jumping up to put your running clothes on. Shit shit shit you were mumbling under your breath as you ran out your door and down the track.

"It's 7:03, your late." Natasha said angrily

"I am so so sorry, it won't happen again. It's just that I couldn't sleep so I went to bed-"

"Do you thing I give a shit why you are late" she said cutting you off and starting to pick up the pace. "Don't let it happen again!" She said at a full run now

"Ok" you said angrily. You couldn't keep up with her so you finally ask her to slow down be she doesn't listen. You start to get pissed off so you finally stop and yell "Romanoff, can you wait a dam minute and slow the fuck down!"

She stopped and waited for you to catch up. When you did you started the jog and she kept your pace.
On your way back you finally said you were ready to run. Y'all starting running but about half way back you trip and fall.

You stood up very quickly saying "Not even and hour and half into my day and can already tell it's going to be rough."

~~small skip~~

You get back and immediately go to though workout room to meet Cap.

"You ready?" He asked confused on why you where so out of breath

"Just giv..just give me a minute to catch my breath please" you told him have trouble getting it out " I just got back from my run with Nat" you said get that out much easier finally catching your breath

"Oh, well when you ready we will start. In the meantime you stretch and breathe." He told you calmly

~~after your workout~~

You finished your workout with Steve so you went to your room and showered stank off of you. By the time you got out it was around 11 so you decided to take a nap. Your body hurt so bad and it's only been about half the day. Still have one training with Bucky left.

Your alarm went off at 1:30 because you had to meet Bucky at 2:30 and you want to eat lunch before heading to meet him.

You walked down to the kitchen to find the there was sandwich stuff laid out for everyone. Wanda and Bucky where there making there's.

Wanda asked "How has your day been?"

"Exhausting" you told her

Bucky looked up and said "How about we wait to do training because I have a lot of stuff to do before my mission tomorrow. So we could start when I get back. That ok with you?"

"Yes, that's perfectly fine with me." You mumbled

Jarvis came over a speaker and said "everyone there will be a movie party tonight at 8 for are newest recruit. And yes everyone has to go Tony said. Wear your pajamas!"

~skip to the night~

Wanda and you got ready together so you both went ahead and went down to the main room where surprisingly ever was already down.

You and Wanda sit down on the couch. Bucky comes over and squeezers his way between you and the arm of the couch after the move started. You looked around and saw Nat staring at you and Bucky.

~~so so so sorry chapter is getting to long , it will continue to the next~~

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