Part 10~First Fight

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It's was about one in the morning and you jump out of your sleep waking you up out of a nightmare. A nightmare just like the coma you were in but this time it was much. You look over to see Nat still asleep which made you smile. You tell your self "I am the luckiest woman on the planet to the Natasha Romanoff in my bed." Which made you giggle a little. You get up to go the the main room because you didn't want to wake Nat since you weren't going back to sleep. You grab your crutches and start towards the door trying to be as quiet as you can but you here her say with a sleepy voice "where are you going?"

"Sorry I tried not to wake you. I am just going to go get some water." You said hoping she would believe you. "Ok just hurry back." She said while laying her head back down.

You go to the main room and noticed Bucky sitting on the couch. You go and sit beside him putting you cast leg in his lap to prop it up. "What are you doing up?" He asked you

"Nightmares again. Why are you up?" You said as you where trying to find something around you to stick in your cast to scratch your leg.

"Nightmares too. I know what you are looking for one minute." He walks away and into the kitchen. After grabbing something he comes out and hands you a long shish kebab stick. "That will get the itch for you." He nodded as you grabbed it from him

"Shit that feels amazing. I haven't been able to find anything to get the far down. Thanks Bucks." You thanked him in relief  

"No probably" he says pick you leg back up so he can sit back down.

You and Bucky talked for a while and you noticed that it was already almost four. "Shit. Shit. Shit!" you say frantically trying to hurry up

"What! What is it!?" He asked as you where trying to hurry to the elevator

"I wasn't supposed to stay down here that long." You told him while getting on the elevator

"Why not" he gets on with you "Y/n?! There is someone in your room isn't there" he says with a gasp

"Yes. I told her I was only going to be a minute" you said with worry in your voice

"OH MY GOD! It's Natasha isn't. Shit I keep you from her, my bad" he say with excitement

"You keep this quiet you here me." You told him with a Stern voice.

You walk up to your room leaving Bucky on the elevator. You open the door leave your crutches at the door when you entered to try and be more quite. You hobbled to the bed when all the sudden a light  turns on.

"Just a glass of water huh. What was the other two hours?" She said sounding pissed off

"I am sorry. I just didn't want to go back to bed after I woke. I didn't mean to stay in there that long but my and Buc-" you got stopped mid sentence

"I should have known it was his fault." Natasha scuffs

"This was not his fault. Nothing was his fault. It's my fault for getting shot and not coming back to bed" you get stern with her. "I am leaving. I don't want to fight about Bucky right now." She said as she grabbed her stuff walking out slamming the door.

You were so full of anger and sadness from her just walking out. You go to turn around to sit on the bed but you tripped and fell hitting your head hard on the ground knocking you out. But the time you came to you saw Nat standing over you.

"Wha..What are you doing back. You forget something." You said to her as you tried to sit up

"Y/n? It's past noon and you missed you time to get your X-rays with Bruce. He called me to see if I knew where you were. I came and knocked a few times but no answer so I walked in and found you like this. What happened?" She told with concern and apologetic in her voice.

"I fell when you walked out this morning. I hit my head pretty hard to knock me out I guess." You say as your trying to get up

Natasha grabs you off the floor and sits you on the bed trying to apologize for how she reacted but you weren't having it. You said you have to get down to the lab. She lets you go which made you a little bit more anger at her for some reason.

You get down to the lab. "So I am late I fell and knocked myself out I guess this morning but I am fine." You tell him as you were getting on the table.

"Let me look at your head just in case. I called Natasha and she was very worried about you when I said you haven't showed up yet." He said as he came over to check your head

He said your head looked fine. He took you to get X-rays and told you that it is heeling much faster and that he can actually go ahead and take the cast off and put you in a boot. You squealed with excitement to finally get the cast off even though it's only been about three days.

He cuts it off and puts a boot on you. "Look at you, your ready to have some more freedom." He told you as he patted your back telling you that you can go now.  "Wait, you can start training again but no leg workouts for a few more days" he yelled at you as you exited the lab heading straight to the training room to start hopping that you may run into Nat on your way.


-sorry this chapter was boring and long. Going to try and make it up in the next one. Sorry again-

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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