Chapter 4~Day Off Already

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After you saw Nat staring at you you look away and looked back at the tv before Nat notice you where looking at her. Bucky put his hand on your thigh. After a few minutes he starts to rub you leg but you noticed Natasha storm out of the room.

You don't know why but you went after her a few minutes after she left. Carol was already in the hall because Wandas twin brother won't leave her only so she went in the hall to get away for a minute.

So when you went out into the hall you saw Natasha at the end waiting for the elevator. You started towards her but Carol stoped you in your tracks.
She was talking to you but you weren't paying attention and then she finally said "Are you tired or something because your not paying attention to what I'm saying?"

"I am very tired, sorry" you said as you watched Natasha get on the elevator. "I will talk to you tomorrow ok, bye" you said as you where trying to catch the elevator in time but you missed it.

You decided just to go to your room and ask her about in the morning. On your way up you got lost, forgetting what floor your room was on. You took your best guess at it clicking the 5th floor.

It was the same layout as your floor so you thought it was. You were walking to that last room on the right. You go to unlock it but it wasn't working. Then it finally clicked in her head that this wasn't your floor. You start to walk beck to the elevator to go to the 6th floor.

Someone started to open the door you tried to unlock. You stopped and turned around and spot Natasha poking her head out.

"Heyy, I am sorry I thought this was my floor." You said while looking down scratching the back of your neck.

"Your on the sixth floor." Natasha said with a annoyed voice

"I figured that out when my key didn't work." You sad sarcastically. "But while I finally found you, I am sorry if you got mad when Bucky sat with me. I didn't know you and him are something. I just want to be friends with him anyway."

Before she could answer you walk away saying "It's not going to happen again."

You got back to your room and went to bed actually falling asleep for the first time in a while.

~~time skip to breakfast~~

You all were in the kitchen eating and Tony says " training is off for today. Me, Natasha, Bucky, and Cap have a mission today. Y/n today is your lucky day you get to take the day off."

"Ok well have fun on y'all's mission." You told all of them as the walked out.

You just sat around all day in your pajamas and eating junk food waiting for the group to get back from the mission.

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