Chapter 40 - My blades will be filthy, but the streets above will remain clean

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We finally made it to the checkpoint. It had heavily loaded security but not as much as the others. According to hitch and Marlo, it was known as the checkpoint with the weakest secuirity. Levi sent them back to their squad, it was good to know we now had allies from within the military police.

"Lets go" Levi said and we all nodded.

As quickly as we arrived, we left. They weren't kidding when they said this was the weakest checkpoint. We stormed in there and it only took   few hits to knock them all out and capture a member of the interior police. We gagged him, grabbed our gear and fled the area to a new forest. We all waited as Levi pushed the man up to a tree and started beating the crap out of him to get some answers.

"Where are Eren and krista?"  Levi said as he had the man pinned down. He coughed out blood and began freaking out.

"I don't know! Kenny Ackerman doesn't tell me anything!" everyones eyes went wide. Did i hear that correctly?

"Ackerman?" Levi questioned. "He was always light on details"

"Somebody's coming!" Sasha exclaimed as she readied her bow. Everyone ducked behind bushes.

"Didn't i tell you captain?" the officer muttered. "You're wasting your time. The survey corps will come to an end!"

The long grass rustled as multiple people began walking through it. It was dark so it was hard to see their faces and to make it worse they had their hoods up. But as they got closer we dropped our guards. It was Hange and the others, with news. Levi tied our captive up to the tree as we all read the report Hange gave us.

"The coup d'etat' was completely successful. Priemier Zachary has control of the capital, and the nobility has yet to rebel against him." Hange read out.

"What about the murder charges? Are we still being held accountable?" i asked.

"We got a confession that proved we were not at fault. Flegal, his son, really pulled through for us. It's all written there, the murder charges were false. The abuse of power by the government and how king fritz was a complete fake. They even wrote about how our actions were all in the name of self defense! Which means.. we're no longer outlaws" everyone paused and locked at each other. Our faces lit up as we all cried out and yelled in victory. I jumped up and down linking my arms with  Sasha and Armin.

"Let's go put an end to this battle"

We all rode on horseback and carriage on our way back to the capital. Armin and i were sitting on the front of the carraige, as Armin held the reins of the horse that pulled us along. Mikasa, Levi and Hange all sat in the carriage talking. Hange told us about a lead erwin had given them, about Lord Reiss and his family. During the fall of wall maria 5-6 years ago, bandits raided and burned down a chapel the reiss family owned. But the entire reiss family was there praying at the same time. Lord Reiss was the only survivor. Apparently all of this happend just a few days before Historia's mother was killed by interior police.

"Sounds to me Rod only reconnected with historia again because his family was slaughtered" i said as i leaned my head all the way back to look at the people behind me. Their faces were all upside down with confused looks.

"Precisely" Hange answered. "But why would he bother to seek her out?"

"What about the bloodline?" Levi asked as i lifted my head back up. "Is there some secret to their blood?"

"Im not too sure yet" hange replied. "But what i find strange is that several parts of the chapel walls were destroyed. The chapel is stone, It would take time and effort to damage it to that extent. I doubt bandits would do that, and i find it funny how rod happened to be the only survivor. Then he used his own fortunes to rebuild the chapel. Why? With all this evidence i think titans were involved."

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