Chapter 27 - The female titan pt 2

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"Lance corporal Levi?" Gunther called out to the figure we saw in the trees. They had their hood up and were gliding through the trees but something seemed off. "No.. that's not him! Who are you?" Gunther yelled, as the figure picked up speed. I was confused, if that wasn't levi who was it? Within seconds, the person maneuvered around a tree and cut Gunther down, killing him instantly.

"Gunther!" i yelled, i went down after him immediately. His body swung upside down, with 2 deep clean slices, one across his neck and the other across his abdomen. I froze, i didn't know what to make of the situation and i couldn't think straight. Why would they kill him? That stranger.. could they be the traitor?

"Don't stop dammit!"Oluo yelled at me, snapping me out of my thoughts and i followed the rest of the group. We had no choice but to leave him.

"Who is it?" Petra questioned but we were all clueless.

"protect the kids!" Oluo yelled, readying his blades.

"We don't have time to mount horses, get to HQ as quick as you can!" Eld yelled. We nodded and continued to flee through the forest. I was upset that Kairo was going to be left behind, but she served me well and i'll never forget her.

"Bring it on! I'll kill you!" Petra yelled, she was filled with so much anger and rage, i was praying to anyone who would listen that she would not meet the same fate as Gunther. Suddenly, there was a loud crack followed by a bolt of lightning. The bright orange light lit up the sky and Eren and I shared the same glance. We had seen that lightning before. The female titan emerged and spared no time in chasing after us, this time much faster than the previous time.

"Damn you! I'll kill it!"Eren yelled, lifting his hand to his mouth.

"No Eren!" i yelled. "Look at where we are! Fighting it will be damn near impossible! And you might just kill us in the process!" I pleaded.

"We will take care of the female titan!" Eld told us "You two head back to HQ!"

"No! I can help you!" I tried to reason, but Petra shut me up.

"Please y/n! Protect Jaeger!" she said. I tskd and nodded my head. Eren and I continued to glide, as the rest of the squad turned their backs and headed for the female titan. I knew this was going to get messy so i put my hood up and refused to look. I could hear yelling and slicing of flesh and i cringed at every noise. If the squad was going to die, i didn't want to see it. But that didn't last long. Curiosity got the better of me and i turned my head at the worst possible time. the female titan opened it's jaw and sunk it's teeth right into Eld.

"ELD!" i screamed, the sound of bones cracking was so gruesome i thought i was going to vomit. I slowed down immediately and turned around and started heading towards the titan. These people raised me, i wasn't going to sit idly by and watch them get squashed like flies. Eren had the same idea, and followed me towards the scene. I knew the speed i was going was dangerous, i was burning through gas as i sped towards the titan, i could see petra near the ground and the titan was following her, i'll be damned if i let this thing get her. "PETRA! GET HIGHER UP I'LL HELP YOU!" i screamed, i almost caught up to the titan and i had a clear view of where Petra was.

"Y/N! GET AWAY FROM HERE-" it all happened in slow motion. The female titan lifted up one of it's legs and swung it, my eyes widened and i managed to stab one of my blades into the titan's shoulder. I was about to call out to her to get out of the way, but it was too late. The titan's foot collided with her and had sent her straight into the trunk of a tree. i had a front row seat to everything, the way her body broke, blood sent upwards on the tree trunk and the cracking sounds of her body. The whole scene was so morbid i was traumatised. The kick had sent me flying backwards, off of the titan but if i was jolted any faster, maybe i could have been saved from seeing that. Everything that i witnessed, to my big sister. I screamed. Loudly. The most blood curdling scream i have ever let out before. Tears streamed down the sides of my face and but i wasn't sad. I was fueled with so much rage, it took everything to get a good grip on another tree so i wouldn't crash. I was standing on a branch with my hood up still, I heard another similar cracking noise and knew what it meant. I looked up and saw the Oluo was nowhere to be seen. The whole of Levi squad, was gone. I readied my blades and took off towards the titan.

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