Chapter 22

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In their small cabin, Sara pressed a wet warm cloth to the top of Nyssa's temple to soak the blood away. She didn't understand why Nyssa went through what she went through, just to make Sara fight better! Couldn't Nyssa just say, "Hey, girl, hold up! I got somethin' to tell ya' - you're an offensive fighter, and I have a plan to make you fight better, but it's gonna rain in pain, so I don't really want to do it... But I will if I have to - for you. I just think that I'd spare myself all this pain if we used our tounge to communicate."

Sara doubted that Nyssa was gonna say that, ever, though. Sara draped the cloth back into the water and squeezes it out, and reapplies it to Nyssa's cold skin.

"Sara," Nyssa licked her cracked bloody lips, "there is really no need for this."

"Of course there is," Sara shook her head and dabbed the cloth on Nyssa's lower lip. The more places Sara looked, the more injuries she seemed to find on her love! "You got beaten to the pulp to prove a point, Nyssa; it's the least I can do."

"You know what you can do?" Nyssa touched Sara's hand that housed the wet dripping cloth and held her wrist still. "You can take my mind off the pain some other way..."

Sara threw her head back and laughed. She touched and unbruised spot on Nyssa's skin and pushed her back lightly. "Nyssa? Are you flirting with me?" Sara "gasped" in shock. "What would your father say?"

"I am fit to be Heir of the Demon's Head, Sara," Nyssa leaned forward and rubbed the bridge of her nose against Sara's. In a whisper, she said, "I think he trusts my judgment."

Sara smiled mischievously, "Well, then, what happened to taking things slow, Ms. Al Ghul?"

"We did buy a cabin to have some privacy in, Sara. I think it's safe to say we are taking things at a slow jog," Nyssa stared into Sara's clear blue eyes. "But, you are right, my dear - we don't have time."

Sara frowned, "Why not?" She was actually starting to look forward to spending some alone time with Nyssa. Sara hadn't had much free time in the weeks she had been training, and when they did spend time together it was in bed (sleeping) or when it wasn't in their down time, it was out on the field - fighting. If they weren't together, Nyssa was doing business in another country, or going over paper work for Ra. Although Sara and Nyssa lived together, they saw little of each other.

"The feast?" Nyssa examined Sara's face and how it fell at the mention of it. "You forgot," Nyssa didn't need to guess, that was clear to her.

Sara's confused eyes cleared with recognition. "Only a little," Sara faked a forgiveness smile. "What?" Sara tried to escape Nyssa's narrowed eyes. "You're very distracting..."

"You're more distracting with your big blue eyes," Nyssa ran her thumbs under Sara's fluttered closed eyes, "blond curly hair," Nyssa gripped the back of her head, "beautiful-"

"Okay!" Sara pulled away and exhaled sharply, "If there's a feast tonight, then you can't do that."

"Do what?" Nyssa asked, innocently.

"Tell me I look beautiful!" Sara laughed and turned back around to press the cloth to her temple. "That's distracting, and I have to get us both ready to look beautiful."

"Are you saying I don't look beautiful, now?" Nyssa joked, lightly.

"You look beautifully beat up and bruised, but still..." Sara grimaced, "If your father sees any of this, then he'll have my head," Sara tried to stop the bleeding from Nyssa's... everything. "I'll be like those people who have their heads on those pikes out in front of castles in the old ages! . . . . I don't think I'm that skilled with a makeup brush, anyhow."

"From what I hear, you're not very skilled in anything," a voice in the small cabin said quietly.

Sara turned in front of Nyssa and acted like a shield for them both. "Who the hell are you?" Sara demanded to know.

Nyssa leaned to the side and looked at who was standing in the middle of their kitchen and her whole body froze. "Sara, stay back," she warned with a fierce tone. "What are you doing here?" Nyssa shot to her feet, and with a quick shove, she pushed Sara to the side of her.

A woman appeared in the shadows. She tucked a loose black hair piece behind her ear, the rest of her hair was pulled up and out of her face twisted and braided to look nice for the feast tonight. The woman's eyes were clear blue, outlined in thick black eyeliner, and black mascara. She was white, with a strong jaw that looked a lot like Nyssa's and she shared the same nose, too.

The woman was decorated in a two piece red gown. It was knee length and had a split up the thigh. Sara had to admit in her head that she looked badass it her getup.

Sara heard gasp of pain come from the woman, and she wondered what had Nyssa so on edge.

The woman's lips spread in a smug smile and she crossed her arms, "Is that anyway to treat family?"

Sara's mouth moved in an echo, "Family?" Surprise and shock hit her like a ton of bricks and Sara looked up to Nyssa to see if she was telling the truth. "Family," she repeated and tried to get Nyssa's attention but Nyssa's eyes were cold and dead set on her...

Cousin? Sara thought. She knew that her sister and Nyssa weren't on speaking terms and from what everyone had told her, Nyssa's sister didn't have the guts to come anywhere near her sister's orbit.

"Well, uh," Sara fumbled for something to say, "I guess... It's nice to meet you...?"

"No," Nyssa snapped, her thick accent clear in the tone of her voice. "It's not. You're not welcome here, and you know it," Nyssa growled in a deadly voice.

The unasked term for the woman's name was noticeable and recognized. "I'm so sorry that I haven't stopped by sooner, Sara.," she ignored Nyssa and walked closer to Sara and stuck out her hand. The woman introduced herself with class and an evil glint in her eye, "My name is Taila al Ghul, daughter of Ra al Ghul, Princess of the Shadows."

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