Chapter 15

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Sara was squirming in her seat, ever since the shadowed figures broke in, Sara had a sick feeling in her stomach. That feeling? It only happened when she broke a promise and Sara suddenly knew who her captures were.

"You're members of the League of Shadows," Sara commented weakly. "Why are you doing this, I mean nothing to Nyssa. If you want to hurt someone, go after her father."

"Are you telling us to kill the most feared man in all the regions of the world?" a woman turned in her seat to look back at Sara. "You're blind and way too blond if you think we are going to do that," she twisted back around when Sara didn't answer her.

"I thought you people weren't afraid of anything?" Sara probed. "I know that-"

"You don't know anything," the man who was driving glanced at Sara from the rear view mirror. "You think because you share a bed with the Heir to the Demon, you know something about us? What has she told you, Ms. Lance?"

Sara shifted uncomfortably in her seat, "Nyssa told me that you people kill without reason. That you'd kill me if I ever met one of you."

"Well, you're still very much alive," the man noted. "We aren't going to kill you, we have our orders to take you to the airport to fly you back to Starling City."

Sara leaned forward, "What?"

"Are you deaf, girl?" the girl frm the passenger seat wondered with attitude.

Sara leaned back. "No, it's just unlikely for you people to help me. Why are you?"

The couple in the front seat glanced at each other and remained silent.

"I asked you a question," Sara's voice was steady and angry. "Why on Earth did yo-"

The woman lashed out, turned in the backseat, and drove something straight into Sara's neck. The woman settled back in her seat, "I don't answer to you, Ms. Lance, let me make that very clear." Sara's vision went blurry and she fell aganist the back seat. "Long live Taila, the truest and strongest Head of Demon."


Sara glanced up at the sound of someone coming down the steps, "Who's there?"

Nyssa halted and eyed Sara's hunched over shoulder who was reading the book they both wrote together in Arabic.

"I'm apologize, Ms. Lance, I didn't want to disturb you," Nyssa hated being so formal with the woman who had bewitched her heart. "I shall leave," Nyssa turned on her heels and started to climb the stairs.

Sara jumped from her spot on the makeshift bed, set the book down and ran to Nyssa. "No!" she protested. "Nyssa?"

Nyssa halted at the sound of her name, she stayed where she was and relished in the feeling of Sara touching her. "Yes, Ms. Lance?"

Sara's heart broke, "I'm sorry, please, call me Sara, or, Ta-er Sah-fer... just don't act like we don't know each other," she begged and pleaded. "Please?"

Nyssa obidded Sara's rule and she turned toward her Canary. "You're wish is my command, Sara," Nyssa bowed her head and continued to walk away.

"Wait! Nyssa?"

Nyssa laughed lightly and turned again, "Yes?"

"Why aren't you calling me Ta-er Sah-fer?" Sara swallowed and hoped that she didn't offend the assassin.

"You will always be my Canary, Sara, but I cannot call you that because you do not remember me... The word has no meaning to you, so why use it?" It was a good question to ask and Nyssa felt like if it was the right one to ask.

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