Chapter 7 ~ Cripples, Bastards and Broken things

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Father and I sat either side of Sansa, watching the tournament, Jaime had done his joust which ended in a sword fight between him and a knight from a much smaller house, he was now standing guard with Ser Barristan and The Hound, there was a roar from the crowd and Ser Gregor came riding up on his stallion, he lifted part of his helmet and bowed to King Robert, the horse he was riding was as monstrously large.

"Where's Arya?" Father asked, leaning slightly over Sansa so I could hear him over the crowd cheering as Ser Loras entered the field on his mare, Sansa sighed dramatically.

"At her dancing lessons" she told father who raised a quizzical brow in my direction, I'd told Arya that we were to call her training with Syrio 'dancing' and in a way it was he was a master at the style of Water Dancing, it was easier to say dancing master to Sansa who wouldn't understand, Ser Loras lead his horse over to us and he held out a beautiful red rose to me.

"Thank you, Ser Loras," I mumbled with a smile as he nodded to me before looking over my fathers head to where I knew Renly was sitting

"The Kingslayer will have to keep an eye on you and Ser Loras," Little Finger said from behind Sansa, I turned my head and glared at the irritating little man.

"Be careful, Little Finger, if you keep opening your mouth the next thing that will be coming from it will be your teeth" I growled, the man had the decency to look shocked, a horse roared and I turned to see The Mountain's horse rearing up, becoming skittish, both opponents took off to their end of the jousting field and faced one another.

Sansa clutched both my arm and fathers hand tightly "don't let Ser Gregor hurt him" she pleaded, her nails bit into my arm and I cast a sideways look to father who was petting her hand gently.

"Hey," father soothed, she shook her head and buried it into my wind swept hair, shielding herself from what could possibly be the end of the Knight of the Flowers life.

"I can't watch" she mumbled into my shoulder, I placed my hand on her head and mumbled reassurances into her hair.

"100 gold dragons on the Mountain" I heard Little Finger yell from behind me, I kissed my sisters head and turned to face the joust.

"I'll take that bet," Renly said, I could hear the smirk in his voice causing me to roll my eyes.

"Now what will I buy with 100 gold dragons? A dozen barrels of Dornish wine? Or a girl from the pleasure houses of Lys?" Little Finger pondered, he was a little too close to my ear.

"Or you could even buy a friend" I growled as I looked at him from over my shoulder with a glare, my remark didn't go unnoticed by father or Renly, as the former sighed deeply and shook his head slightly.

"He's going to die," Sansa said as a trumpet sounded, signalling the start of the joust.

"Ser Loras rides well," father said as she straightened up, Ser Loras nor Gregor wasted anytime and the both charged forward and met in the middle of the field, in a split second Ser Loras' lance broke upon the impact of Gregor's shield and the Mountain was thrown from his horse, he hit the ground heavily, there was stunned silence but then the crowd roared with excitement.

"Such a shame, Littlefinger. It would have been so nice for you to have a friend" I heard Renly shout over the crowd.

"And tell me, Lord Renly, when will you be having your friend?" Little Finger replied as the cheering died down and Sansa, father and I resumed our seats, my blood boiling at the implication that Little Finger just gave about Loras and Renly, I felt movement from behind me and Little Fingers head popped in between Sansa and father, he obviously knew if he got too close to me I'd smack him in the nose "Loras knew his mare was in heat. Quite crafty, really" he told father.

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