Chapter 2 ~ Winter is Coming

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A throat cleared behind me and Uncle Benjen tensed up, his smile dropped from his face and his eyes narrowed with mistrust "Kingslayer"

I slowly turned my body to face the man I was betrothed to, my shoulders were tense and my heart was beating so fast it could be mistaken for horses galloping, I took in his face, his blonde hair, his green eyes and for a moment I was transfixed, his eyes were like the undergrowth in the Wolfswood, remembering myself I curtsied "Ser Jaime" as I rose back to standing he bowed at me with a smile, he then grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles gently.

"Lady Anaris, it's a pleasure to finally meet you" I watched as his face formed into a smirk and my eyes narrowed, his eyes flickered to look over my shoulder and I glanced to see my father glaring at him.

"Ser Jaime, I know what you're up to" I removed my hand from his and looked back to see his shock at my cold voice "do not antagonise my father," I turned my back on him and made my way out of the hall as a small man entered.

"Ahh, you must be Lady Anaris Stark" he smiled genuinely at me and I smiled back "I've heard much about you from my sister" he grabbed my hand and kissed it, like his brother, but unlike it he didn't look behind me he simply just looked at me.

"And you must be Lord Tyrion" I said with a smile as he dropped my hand and smiled cheekily at me.

"The smarter and better looking brother" he said with a laugh, I grinned in return and realised that he and I would get along quite well, "were you just leaving?" He gestured to the door and I nodded.

"Aye, it's a bit stuffy in here" I curtsied deeply "it is a pleasure to meet you Lord Tyrion, I hope you enjoy your night" I left without letting him say another word and as soon as I was out of the hall I took a deep cleansing breath.


"Very good Ris" Ser Rodrik said as I dodged Theon's blade and twirled out of his reach, I turned my body to face him and watched his every movement, he was always doing something to give away what he was going to do next, I saw his head twitch minutely and readied myself, he charged with a yell and I dodged to his unguarded right flank and slammed the hilt of my sword into his ribs before sweeping his legs out from under him with my blade. In seconds he was on his arse in the mud groaning in pain.

"Well fought, Lady Anaris" I turned to the voice and curtsied at Cersei and Jaime who was guarding her "I dare say you're almost a match for my brother"

I grinned at her "I thank you my queen but I have far to go" I dared a glance at Jaime who was staring at me with his usual smirk.

"Well said" she commented making my smile get bigger, it had been a few days since the feast and everyday Cersei would seek my company out and we'd go for a little stroll around Winterfell "May I steal you?" She asked, it wasn't a question, she could do as she wanted and no one could deny her.

"Of course my Queen" I said with another curtsy, "I'll just put my sword away" I smiled at her and turned to Theon who was on the ground still, rubbing his sore ribs "come on Squid" I said holding my hand out I hauled him to his feet and went to put my sword back on the rack "I'll take my leave now Ser Rodrik, until later" I nodded to him in respect and hopped over the training grounds fence, Cersei held her arm out for me to take but I hesitated "my Queen I'm filthy, I would hate to ruin your dress"

"Nonsense, it can be cleaned" she waved my worries away and tucked my arm into hers, we left Robb, Theon, Jon and Ser Rodrik behind but I could feel Robb's furious gaze on us.

flashback ~The morning after the feast *

I moved my meat around on my plate as my siblings discussed the night before, mother sat to my left and I felt her hand touch mine causing me to glance up, it was time to tell my siblings.

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