Chapter 4 ~ Lord Snow

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It had been 5 days since we'd arrived in Kings Landing ahead of the King and the Caravan, they stopped at some Nobel houses and King Robert ordered Jaime and some Lannister and Kings guards to go back to the Capital while the rest of them were touring some of the houses, it was all part of Robert's duty as King and protector of the Realm, Ser Barristan Selmy had greeted us when we arrived at the Red Keep and decided to take me on a tour, jokingly telling Jaime that I would probably rather hear his stories, therefore, he was going to be my tour guide instead of my husband and Ser Barristan was correct, I did enjoy his war stories and his witty remarks.

He'd also been kind enough to introduce me to the lords of the Small Council, which my father would also be sitting on, Lord Varys was the first to come to greet me, he took my hand with both of his, his accent was smooth and settled my nerves instantly, he was known as the Spy Master. Next was the Grand Maester Pycelle, who was a frail-looking old man who made my skin crawl when he looked me up and down and told me to come to him if I had an ailment. Renly Baratheon was next, who I had met on several occasions, the handsome man kissed me on both cheeks, like his brother, King Robert, Renly's company was something that I appreciated, but unlike King Robert, he didn't have the temper. Then there was Peytr Baelish, who like the Grand Maester, made my skin crawl, he came across as simpering when he took my hand and kissed it, he told me how he was good friends with my mother growing up, I knew that was true but I also didn't trust the man, he was a snake in a rat costume I'd said as much to Jaime later that night.

I was now seated in the King's Gardens with my newly acquired handmaiden, Graycie, we'd decided that the day was to nice to waste away inside the Keep so we tracked down the endless maze of corridors to the Gardens, I'd brought a book with me while Graycie had my fighting clothes and sewing needles, she was fixing a gash in the cloth that Jaime had made while we were sparring. Loud footfall's interrupted our comfortable silence as Ser Barristan came into view wearing his Kings Guard outfit, his silver armour with gold embossing glittered in the bright sun and his White cloak, that signalled his status, was adorned on his shoulders, I'd asked Jaime how they can stand wearing such amounts of amour in this heat and he just laughed and told me that the sweating was immense.

"Ser Barristan, " I said with a smile and a curtsy, "I did not expect to see you today" he bowed at me and smiled as he straightened.

"Lady Anaris, " he looked to Graycie as I handed get my heavy book, "your father and his party have arrived in King's Landing, he's been called to a Small Council meeting but he's requested to see you first" I nodded in understanding and turned to Graycie who was watching Ser Barristan like he was a snake about to strike.

"Graycie, I will meet you in my chambers later" I squeezed her hand slightly, she'd confided in me that she was never taught to read so I was teaching her as I got ready for bed, "can you go get those things we discussed earlier?" My eyes pleaded with her not to say anything in front of Ser Barristan but she understood immediately.

"of course, m' lady" she curtsied, gathered her things and quickly left the Lord Commander of the King's Guard with me.

"Lady Anaris, " he said holding out his arm for me to take, once I had he began walking me to the Throne room which leads to the Small Council chambers "may I speak frankly?"

"Of course, Ser Barristan" I looked to the older knight and raised an eyebrow when he glanced at me, "I like to think that we are friends" I saw him nod from my periphery.

"When the King told discussed allowing Ser Jaime to marry I was against it," he shook his head and cleared his throat, "I see now that my judgement of the matter was wrong, Kings Landing is full of liars and killers, I didn't want to see somebody delicate be destroyed" he stopped outside the doors to the Throne room and met my eyes "I was wrong to think that when I met you as well, I've witnessed you sparring with Ser Jaime and I know that you are strong enough to survive even the worst of them" he left without another word and all I could do was stare after him, I was happy that he didn't see me as some delicate thing that needed to be protected but it also made me wonder how Jaime looked at me, he did say that I was a strong fighter and a fast learner but I still couldn't help but wonder what he could see.

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