Chapter 5 ~ Lord Snow

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I bid farewell to Ros and some of the other whores, paying Ros for giving me the draft and left one of Little Fingers many establishments in Kings Landing, I walked out the front of the massive doors, with a thin shawl pulled up covering my hair and most of my face, just in time to see my father shove Little finger harshly against the stone wall of his whore house, "You're a funny man, " father growled into Baelish's face, he looked ready to deck him "A very funny man" I stepped forward out from under the stone balcony came into view.

"Father," I said, as much as I'd love to see him teach Baelish a lesson in manners it wasn't a good thing to have it happen out in the open.

"Ned!" a voice shouted in a whisper from above us and we both looked to find my mother staring down at us "Anaris?" without looking to my father or Little Finger I rushed back into the brothel and raced to where I had seen my mother, she was there waiting for me with open arms with Ser Rodrik "what are you doing here Wolfling? This isn't a place for you"

I glanced behind me and saw that the coast was clear I spoke lowly, I didn't trust Baelish with anything "I was here to thank a whore named Ros, she made me a draft to stop pregnancy" I went to touch her hands but recoiled when I saw bandages covering her palms "your hands" I gently grabbed her fingertips and turned her hands over so I could assess the damage.

"Nothing to worry your sweet head about Wolfing" she trailed her fingers over my cheek "so you've decided to not have children?" She asked and I nodded.

"Jaime and I discussed it, we'll wait until we settle" mother hummed in agreement and I heard father clear his throat "I love you" I mumbled for only her to hear before leaning forward and kissing her on the cheek "stay safe" she smiled at me sadly when I pulled away and Ser Rodrik nodded at me as I left I patted my fathers chest gently and headed to Ember who was stabled close by.


It had been a few days since my mother visit to Kings Landing, in the time since I've seen her I've done too many things, Syrio returned my raven telling me he was on his way and would be in the Capital by the end of the month, Ros was also keeping me informed of the goings-on in Baelish's brothel, Pyter had taken a shine to her apparently, and was letting her be responsible for more things which meant she was my eyes and ears.

I sat at my writing desk replying to a letter from Robb when the door to my chambers burst open and Jaime stormed in, he was the angriest I'd ever seen him "What's wrong?" I stood and went to him as he sat on our bed trying to rip his white cloak from his shoulders, I undid the clasps quickly as he stopped and leant forward, leaning his face against the bodice of my dress that was clinched at my waist, I undid his armour as well and let it drop unceremoniously onto our bed before wrapping my arms around his shoulders and lacing my fingers into his hair.

"The King" he answered as he took a deep breath and moved his head back so our eyes could meet, "decided to bring up the Mad King, asked me what his last words were" he sighed deeply and wrapped his arms around my body, bringing me closer to him,  this side of him, the vulnerable side, was one no one else saw he made sure of that, this side was saved for myself and Tyrion, not even Cersei saw him like this.

I rubbed circles on the side of his head, where his hair met his skin and tried to think of words to say to that, surely I couldn't ask what the Mad King had said those last moments, I so badly wanted to know "he does these things to get a rise out if you Jaime" I mumbled as he once again buried his face into my stomach.

"His last words were Burn them all" he grumbled into my stomach, "he had hidden caches of WildFire under the Keep, the Sept, Flea Bottom. He thought he was going to be reborn into a dragon but not before burning everybody in their beds" I stiffen at his words, WildFire, I'd read about it, toxic, green and it burned so hot that it rivalled Dragons fire, many Targaryen's before the Mad King used it to keep the realm under control after the last Dragons had died, Aerion Targaryen thought he would turn into a Dragon if he drank the stuff, now there was a reason they called him Brightflame and it wasn't because he became a dragon or because he was intelligent.

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