Chapter 9 ~ Fire and Blood

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I wrapped my cloak closer to my body and stepped out of my tent that was surrounded by Stark men, two of Roose Bolton's guards stood at the flap, having been ordered by Bolton to watch me and make sure I don't escape.

"Lady Stark, we have orders to keep you in your tent" the man huffed with irritation when I glowered in his direction.

"Try to stop me," I growled as I shoved past him and towards the pen where Jaime was being kept, I had food and water for him because I knew they wouldn't feed him well, I passed Stark men who nodded greetings towards me but didn't try to stop me on my quest, my shadows followed closely enough to be irritating "go find someone else to bother before I slit both your throats and dump your corpses at your lords feet" I glared over my shoulder.

"You will not, because it would be a great offence" mother voice carried as she came towards us, she looked more tired then I had ever seen her.

"And I find great offence at the fact that I have these two following me around like bad smells" I replied before shaking my head and continuing towards Jaime, I wasn't happy with him for attacking my father but I'd hate to see him staving.

"Come to glare at me, lady Stark" Jaime lifted his sodden, dirty hair and met my eyes "well this is a surprise" he gave me a smile that lasted a moment before he glanced at my guards.

"They're not my choice," I grumbled as I gestured for a Stark man to open the pen door, which he did with a reluctant grumble ""Roose Bolton believes I'll run" I said as I stepped into the disgustingly small pen and opened a small package of meat.

"He doesn't know you very well then" he opened his mouth when I held a small piece for him and chewed it while he studied the guards "you could've left when I was fighting" he said as I fed him another piece of meat.

"Somebody has to be sure you're not making anymore Northern men angry" I said with a smile that felt as false as the quiet that surrounded us "I'm going to write to Cersei, let her know I'm with you so she doesn't worry when word gets to her that you're captured" I glanced at mother who was watch us silently, clearly not happy with how cosy Jaime and I were looking.

"We're both captured, only you're not in this cell" we both glanced around and I grinned at him cheekily.

"I'm sure I could get thrown in one as well, as soon as I get my hands on Roose Bolton that is" I shook my head and fed him some more, "why do you think my father was labeled as a traitor?" I asked Jaime, my gut churning with uncertainty, I still didn't want to believe that Robert was dead, Robb had mentioned that it was a hunting accident and he was attacked by a boar but it didn't sit well.

"I have no idea but I'm hoping your brother will let Cersei's replying get to you," he leant his head back against the wooden pole that he was shackled to and sighed tiredly "I shouldn't have brought you with me to the Riverlands"

"Did you really expect me to stay at your fathers encampment like a good little wife?" I asked with a chuckle as I gave him some water "we both know that will never happen" he gulped the water down greedily and leant back again when he'd had enough.

"If you were an obedient wife I wouldn't love you as much as I do" he said quietly, my heart stuttered for a moment and I closed my eyes, he'd been saying it as often as possible, telling me he loved me, showing me, his way of trying to make up for what he'd done.

"You'd get bored easily" I said making him chuckle, I kissed his lips gently and touched his cheek "I'll make sure you're fed better" I whispered.

"If I weren't shackled you'd be in my arms" he said with a wicked grin that made my breath catch in my throat.

"If you weren't shackled we wouldn't be here" I replied before standing up and leaving his cell, I turned to the Stark man as soon as he was done locking the door "he gets fed when I get fed, do you understand?" I said, the guard looked to my mother but nodded anyway "thank you" I walked away from my husband.

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