[♡]my favorite jock

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Baseball, baseball, baseball, baseball. That was all i heard from my best friend, Minho.
"Did you see how Hyunjin pitched today?! It was so cool!"
All i could do was nod, and pretend i was listening to his baseball blabber.
"Sungie, are you even listening to me..?"
"Yeah..i'm listening."
"No, you're not. You look annoyed..sorry that i talk too much."
Minho sighed, pouted slightly, and looked down.
"I didn't say that you talked too much, i'm just..not that interested in baseball. Sorry, Lino.."
"It's okay, Sungie. You can talk about whatever you want with me, though.."
"No, you can talk. I like hearing you talk..i like hearing you happy."
Minho stared at me, looking a bit..lovestruck?
I looked at him back, smiling.
"Are you trying to undress me with your eyes or something?"
I teasingly winked at him, and he looked away, flustered.
"W-Why would i try to undress you with my eyes..? It's not like i love you or anything.."
Yep, sure. It's not like i love him either..

Minho dragged me through the never ending bleachers, and out of the gymnasium.
"Can i still talk about baseball?"
I groaned softly, but nodded. I guess his baseball blabber will never cease.
He grinned.
"Good, i wanna teach you how to hold a bat!"
He ran over to the baseball field, dragging me with him, and i looked around, mesmerized from how..spacious it was.
He took a bat from the ground, and gave it to me to hold.
"If you're right-handed, you have to put your right hand on top- hold on."
He fixed the position of my hands, and i looked at him, confused.
"This is so complicated.."
"I know, that's why i'm teaching you!"
He took a baseball and put on his glove, holding the ball perfectly in his hand.
I braced for impact, silently praying that the baseball doesn't break my nose.
"Think fast!"
Minho threw the ball at me and i hit it subconsciously, the adrenaline kicking in.
"Wow, that was a really good hit! I thought you said you never played sports!"
I nodded, feeling annoyed, but proud of myself.
He took the ball from the ground and held it in his hand again, starting to brace himself for the throw.
"Ready, set, go!"
He threw the ball in my direction, causing me to instantly hit it.
He exaggeratedly started to clap, with occasionally "woo-hoo" ' s.
I rolled my eyes, putting the bat down and walking up to him.
"I don't wanna play this anymore!"
He chuckled, looking at me.
"Wow, angry so soon? You barely even played!"
I pouted, giving him puppy eyes.
"Can we play something else, pleasee??"
He seemed to contemplate my question, and then finally sighed and nodded.
"Fine..you're so boring, but i still love you."
I decided not to question the last part, and gave him a hug.
"Thank you! Baseball is so boring."
He softly pushed me off of him, looking into my eyes.
"Not more boring than you, though."
Before i could say anything, he softly pecked me on the lips, leaving me speechless and frozen like i was left in a freezer for three whole weeks.
He seemed to be angry at himself, and slapped his own face.
"I'm sorry, hannie, i didn't mean to-"
"No, it's okay, i kinda liked it."

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