[♥︎]christmas day

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Jisung sighed, tapping his fingers on his face. He felt lonely, since he had no one to spend his Christmas with. He thought of his friend Minho, but he thought he was probably spending time with family.
He looked at the mistletoe he had placed in his living room, not believing he would have anyone to kiss underneath it. He thought of calling one of his friends to spend time with him, but he didn't wanna disturb them, so he decided to just sit on the couch and wait for the day to end.
But before he could really get comfortable, he heard a knock on his door.
Curious as to who that might be, he got up from the couch, and opened his front door.
"Um..hey, i brought you some stuff.." And there his friend, Minho, was, standing at the door awkwardly.
"Oh, hey, Minho...i didn't think you would be coming?" He motioned for Minho to come in, to which he did, and placed his gifts in Jisung's hands.
"I figured you'd be lonely.." Minho slipped his shoes off, closing the door behind him.
Jisung smiled, looking at the gifts his friend had gotten him, including a hoodie, plushie, and chocolate.
Minho looked up at Jisung curiously, wondering why he wasn't talking. "Do you like them, Jisung-ah?"
Jisung nodded happily, holding the gifts close. "Mhm! Thanks~"
After they both had settled in, Jisung sat on the couch next to Minho.
"So..what do you wanna do?" Jisung asked, playing with the strings on his new hoodie.
"Wanna watch a movie?" Minho asked, looking at Jisung.
Jisung nodded, grabbing his remote and handing it to Minho. "Sure, you pick it though."
Long story short, Minho picked a thriller movie, which Jisung hates.
Shortly, Jisung's head was buried into Minho's chest, who was pleasantly surprised.
"Huh? You don't like thriller movies?" Minho asked the smaller boy curiously, furrowing his eyebrows.
"No! We've known each other for more than 10 years and you still don't know that?!" Jisung replied, agitated.
"You never told me.." Minho looked back up at the tv, enjoying the movie subtly.
After a little bit of silence, Minho took a deep breath and prepared himself for what he was about to say.
"Jisung, i like you."
"Huh?" Jisung looked up at Minho.
Minho freaked out on the inside, and shook his head. "Nothing. I didn't say anything."
"No, i heard you! You said you like me.." Jisung laid back onto Minho, before it finally sunk in.
His head quickly rose from Minho's chest, and he looked at Minho, who was visibly panicking.
"Wait...you..like me." Jisung looked down, fidgeting with his fingers. "Like..as in..a non-friendly way?"
Minho nodded, scratching his head. "Yeah..for a while now.."
Jisung smiled, looking up at Minho. "Me too.."
Minho was completely caught off guard, and he didn't know what to say. "Huh...? You..do?"
"Mhm.." Jisung looked back down at his hands, that were visibly shaking.
Minho pulled Jisung into an embrace and laughed softly. "I thought you wouldn't.."
Jisung pulled away from the hug, looking at Minho. "But, one more thing.."
Minho furrowed his eyebrows, but was soon pulled to a spot..under the mistletoe.
Jisung took a deep breath and looked up, making sure they were directly under the mistletoe, before pulling Minho into a soft kiss.
The kiss lasted a few seconds, before Han pulled away, smiling slightly.
"That..was your first kiss, wasn't it?" Minho asked Jisung, looking at him.
Jisung nodded, looking up at him. "Yeah...it was.."
Minho looked up and realized where they were, and smiled softly.
"Oh..how pleasant. We're under the mistletoe."

𝖬𝖨𝖭𝖲𝖴𝖭𝖦 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒.Where stories live. Discover now