[♡] beach

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"let me go!" jisung yelped as his best friend, hyunjin,  dragged him to the car.

ever since he told his friends about his crush, they've been nonstop trying to get him to go places where they know minho would be at.

"no! you need to get up and go places. also, you need to tell minho how you feel!" hyunjin responded, pushing jisung into the car.

"i don't NEED to, you just want me to!" jisung protested, trying to get back out of the car, but then hyunjin slammed the door in his face.

jisung sighed, now feeling defeated. he was hesitant to tell minho about his feelings, especially since he thought minho was straight.

soon, hyunjin got into the driver's seat next to him and closed the door. "you need to stop hesitating, jisung!"

"minho isn't straight, and he's even expressed interest in you!" hyunjin said, catching jisung's attention.

"expressed interest in me..? when?" jisung asked.

"he literally called you cute once. i guess you weren't paying attention." hyunjin said, starting to drive.

"oh.." jisung felt his face getting warmer, and he subconsciously smiled.

"you're so whipped, jisung." hyunjin said, glancing at the smiling boy in the car mirror.

eventually, the two arrived at the beach, and with every mile, jisung felt his heart rate increase.

hyunjin swiftly put on his sunglasses and looked back at jisung. "do i look good? i wanna impress innie."

"and you had the nerve to call me whipped!" jisung scowled, getting out of the car and making sure he looked good. "m-my clothes..they aren't too wrinkled, right?"

"i don't think minho cares about wrinkled clothes.." hyunjin said after getting out of the car, and he looked around until he spotted minho over to the side.

jisung took a long, deep breath and collected himself. his heart was racing like crazy.

"fine, i'll bring you over since you're so nervous." ignoring the slightly loud protests from jisung, hyunjin grabbed the younger's arm and dragged him over to minho.

minho heard jisung's voice get closer and closer, and he turned to see hyunjin dragging jisung by the arm and smiling ear to ear.

"heyyyy minho, jisung wants to talk to you." hyunjin said, much to the dismay of jisung.

"oh..okay, you can sit next to me then." minho smiled at jisung, patting the sand next to him.

hyunjin smiled at jisung and let go of his arm, pushing him towards minho. "gotta blast!" he said, before running over to jeongin and tackling him in the sand.

jisung awkwardly sat next to minho, his eyes glued to the sand below him.

"so..how have you been, jisung?" minho broke the silence between them.

"o-oh.. i'm okay, what a-about you?" jisung said, cringing slightly at his stutter. he'd been working on it for the past years, but it still slipped out at times.

"i'm fine.." minho replied, looking at jisung. he got a little distracted by how jisung looked in the sunlight.

but he quickly came back to his senses when he saw jisung looking back at him. he quickly cleared his throat. "so..! what did you wanna talk about?"

jisung hugged his knees, looking ahead at the water that was illuminated by the sunlight. "n-nothing.."

minho tilted his head, scooting slightly closer to jisung. "are you sure? you look nervous."

"i-i just.." jisung nervously looked at minho, who was looking at him worriedly.

"i-i have a really b-big crush on someone!! a-and i'm scared..! i-i'm scared they d-don't like me!" jisung blurted out, burying his face in between his knees.

minho was slightly taken aback by his sudden confession, so he wanted to know more.

"um..can you describe this person?" minho softly asked, looking at the boy beside him who's head was buried in between his knees.

"h-he has this really c-cute brown hair, and always s-smells good, and l-lets me borrow his h-hoodies, and-"

"slow down, sungie." minho slowly realized the person he described was him. "is it me?"

jisung didn't respond. he instead whined softly and kept his head in his knees.

minho smiled and wrapped his arms around jisung. "it's okay, i like you too."

"r-really..?" jisung lifted his head up and looked at minho with shocked eyes.

minho nodded and smiled, ruffling the younger's brunette hair. "of course. who wouldn't?"

jisung smiled back widely and tackled the other into a tight hug. "i thought you wouldn't!"

minho hugged back and laughed softly. "i've liked you ever since we met. haven't i made it obvious?"

"no! i kept thinking everything was a joke because...just because!" jisung looked up and kissed minho's cheek.

minho chuckled softly and pecked jisung's lips. "i wouldn't play with your feelings like that, sungie.."

jisung blushed deeply and took a moment to register what just happened. "did you just..k-kiss me?"

minho nodded, smiling a bit. "you're too cute for me not to."

jisung hid his face in minho's chest, redder than a ripe tomato. "j-jesus christ.."

𝖬𝖨𝖭𝖲𝖴𝖭𝖦 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒.Where stories live. Discover now