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I was walking to class, when someone randomly pushed me down onto the ground.
I looked up, and it was my ex..Hyunjin.
I know i f*cked up, because i dated one of the popular boys..
And as soon as you break up with them, all there is..
is torment.
"So you think you can just start hanging out with my friend after we break up, hmm?"
He kicked me in my leg and i started to tear up, not being able to defend myself.
"Hyunjin, leave me alone-"
He kicked me in my nose, causing me to fall down and touch my nose, seeing blood.
As soon as i saw the red on my fingers, i stumbled off of the ground and looked at Hyunjin.
"So, you wanna play that game? I'm free to play."
I kicked Hyunjin in the special part and started to run away, not looking back, and rushing into my class.
But as i was rushing in, i bumped into Hyunjin's friend, Lee Minho.
"Oh, i'm sorry, min! I-I kinda just-"
Minho looked at me with a confused and worried look on his face.
"Why is your nose bleeding..?"
"S-See, i-"
I saw Hyunjin outside of the door and immediately hid behind Minho, which failed, because Hyunjin saw me and harshly grabbed my arm, dragging me to the bathroom.
Hyunjin kicked me in my stomach, his face full of rage, his nerves throbbing.
I stumbled back a little bit, looking at Hyunjin, before swinging at his face and hitting his nose.
Hyunjin's nose started to bleed, and i kept hitting him.
Over, and over, and over..again.
I put one more forceful punch into his head, making blood spill out of his mouth, and he slowly slid down, becoming limp.
I didn't realize what i had done before i saw blood on my hands.
I stumbled back into the stall door and fell down, staring at Hyunjin's limp body and sobbing.
"No..he c-can't be dead..i-i couldn't have-"
Minho ran into the bathroom, instantly screaming when he saw Hyunjin's body against the wall, still bleeding.
"H-Han, did you..did you do this?!"
I slowly nodded, burying my head into my knees.
"I-I did this.."
I looked at the blood all over my hands and shirt, now wiping my tears with it and looking into the mirror, looking at myself, tears rolling down my cheek.
"I'm a monster, Minho."

𝖬𝖨𝖭𝖲𝖴𝖭𝖦 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒.Where stories live. Discover now