Chapter 3: Love Stories

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"Stay with me, you three. I don't want you to get lost in the crowd when we get off the train." Kaven said to Eren, Connie, and Jean. They had just arrived in Mitras.

From the moment the train came to a stop in the oasis of a capital city, Eren, Jean, and Connie were glued to the window. Cheers and praises rang from outside the train as it stopped. Kaven was at one of the exits ready to get off.

"Yes, ma'am. Are all of those people cheering for you?" Connie asked and slightly pointed to the window on the train door.

"I believe so. Though they shouldn't." Kaven chuckled before calling out to someone across the train. She had spotted who she was looking for.
"There's the Princess. Miche! Give the men my permission to disembark!"

"Yes, General!" The man, Miche, replied.

"Follow me," Kaven said one last time before opening the door.

Music, shouts, and confetti immediately filled the three teens' senses as the doors to the train opened. Big smiles and shrieks of excitement rang as everyone pushed to catch a glance of Kaven.

But she was worried about getting to one person.


"Hello, Frieda!"

Kaven immediately embraced Frieda with a tight hug. It was clear they had been friends for a while. When Kaven broke the hug she turned to the three teens.

"Guys, this is Princess Freida. The daughter of King Rod." Kaven introduced.

The boys immediately bowed, guess that was what they were supposed to do.

"Pleased to meet you, your highness." They said in unison and Frieda nodded to them with a smile.

"This is Eren, Connie, and Jean. Eren saved my life last night and these are his friends." Kaven introduced.

"Did he? Then I am grateful to you as well." Frieda bowed slightly to Eren before speaking again.
"My car is this way. It may be a while to get to the palace. The streets are lined with well-wishers."

Kaven was forced to be paraded through the streets of Mitras, her officers riding on horses behind The Princess' car. Instead of waving a people, she mostly faced the wrong way and spoke to Captain Levi who was directly behind the car. Jean tried to wave but Eren slapped his hand back down.

He didn't do anything, he doesn't get to wave.

Kaven did wave and smile at the children though. Kissed some babies, and shook some hands. She was like a celebrity.

Eren slipped in the front seat of the Princess's convertible car. He wanted answers about the two army officers who were smitten behind him.

"Um, your Highness?" Eren nervously grabbed the princess's attention.

"Yes, Eren." Frieda smiled at him and waved to people on the streets.

"What's the deal with General Kaven and Captain Levi?" Eren glanced back at the two before turning to the princess again.

Frieda's smile faltered a bit and she gripped her steering wheel hard. Jean and Connie tuned into the convo, also curious.

"They, um—Well...Levi fell in love with Kaven. They have been friends since birth, but Levi didn't realize he loved her until her parents and my father arranged her Marriage to my brother, Ulklin." Frieda sighed and sadly smiled at people and continued to wave.
"But Kaven doesn't know about Levi's feelings. I love her to death, but she's kinda dense."

The boy's breaths hitched for a moment and they looked back at the two soldiers. Kaven was laughing about something while Levi rolled his eyes. The smallest smile on his face.

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