Chapter 5: Crossbows and Visions

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The Captain in question looked up from his shirt sleeves to his mirror. His eyes fixated on his mother, Kuchel, and uncle, Kenny, who were leaning on his doorpost.

Upon seeing them, he dropped his head again and answered. By the looks on their faces, they were about to do the same song and dance as always.


"Why are you torturing yourself?" Kenny rolled his eyes.

"Whatever do you mean?" Levi said sarcastically and grew rougher with his cuff links. This conversation got less tolerable each time.

"Honey, why don't you just tell her?" Kuchel asked and walked to her son.

"And what exactly would that change?" Levi glared at his arm.

"Uh, maybe she would tell the king and Prince Hair Gel that she doesn't want to marry him." Kenny sighed.

"Crushes don't stop Royal protocol." Levi scowled harder at his arm. He had finally got his cuff links on. One step closer.

"Levi, I am your mother. I have watched you be in love with Kaven ever since her first words were your name. Even when you didn't know it." Kuchel chuckled lightly and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Mom." Levi threw his head back in frustration and squeezed his eyes shut. He didn't want to think about this right now. Especially as he got ready for an engagement party for the love of his life.

"And I remember the pity party you went through when her betrothal was announced. And you still helped her on that godforsaken mission." Kenny huffed and pulled a cigar out of his pocket.

"Guys, I don't want to talk about this. I can't have her. I've come to terms with it. This is my fault anyway. My cowardice is the reason I have to watch her marry someone else. And I have to live with that. Besides, she looks happy. Who am I to rip her away from that happiness? I love her too much to do that." Levi said quickly as he fastened his suit jacket over his black shirt.

"You're making a mistake giving up." Kenny sighed.

"I'm not giving up a battle that's already been lost. See you guys later." Levi rushed out of his room with a slam of his door, leaving Kuchel and Kenny by themselves.


Eren, Connie, and Jean too had to experience life, one day at a time.

The third hole of going to see the Premier was delayed again and again. The return from the battle at Lawrence had led immediately to the preparation of the marriage between Kaven and Prince Ulklin.

There was no getting away.

And Kaven didn't want the boys to go and seek out the Premier alone.

The night before the wedding ceremony, King Rod decided to through a small banquet at the palace. The Royal Family, Officers and Officials, and the Elite of the country were expected to attend.

Kaven insisted that the boys go and that they dress up for the occasion. She was about to be swept off for her own dressing, so she came early to make sure they were ready themselves.

"These are uniforms. We aren't soldiers." Eren commented from behind the changing door, in between Connie and Jean's.

"You guys are honorary soldiers for the great services you perform for me. Now, come on out when you're ready." Kaven smiled with her arms crossed over her chest.

Jean was the first to come out in the formal version of Kaven's regiment uniform. It was rather dashing. All black button up with a white collar and gold buttons on the black suit over it. He looked like a hit man and he loved it. They had Kaven's army emblem on the suit collar.

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