Chapter 7: Unwanted Visitors

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Back at the cottage of Premier Zachary, a large horse-drawn carriage of Green and gold came down the road. On its door was the shield of King Rod. It was surrounded by a dozen of the King's soldiers.

The Premier looked out the window, Sasha and Krista looking out on either side of him.

"Hehe, didn't I say he would come?" Zachary chuckled.

"Well, what should we do?" Sasha asked a little worried.

"Go out and greet him," Zachary said and went to open the door.

As the horses and carriage came to a stop, the soldiers dismounted and approached the door. Krista, who immediately hid behind The Premier at the sight of General Nile, was holding onto Sasha.

She wasn't held for long, but in the time she was, she remembered being scared out of her mind. Scared that she would never come out. Scared that she had actually become a slave and would never see her friends again.

But she was here with Sasha. And she knew that Connie, Jean, and Eren were safe. That's all that mattered.

"Old man! The king wants to speak with Kaven." A soldier approached. You could tell he believed he had great power. The way his chest was puffed out, the way he sneered at the sight of the Premier.

"Kaven? But she isn't here." The Premier shook his head with a smile of his own.

"No? Then you wouldn't mind if my men search the house?" The soldier stepped closer and spat.

"Search my house? No, I don't think so." The Premier declined and Sasha and Krista looked up at him in surprise. Um, searches with warrants were lawful where they came from. And if the king was there, that's warrant enough. They assumed.

"Stand aside!" The soldier shouted and Krista flinched, but Sasha grabbed her hand.

"You must find it awfully funny to think that Kaven would hide in an old cottage like this." The Premier smiled as his eyes glowed gold for a split second while staring at the soldier.

"Funny. Huh-well I suppose it is...funny." The guard backed up a bit and tried to suppress the bubbling laughter in his throat. He looked disoriented for a second and tried to shake it off, but he looked at the Premier with wide eyes.

"Oh, it's very funny." The Premier edged him on as the laughing escaped. And then another soldier. And then another.

Within ten seconds the entire brigade was engaged in uncontrollable laughter. It was disturbing to watch the grown men fall to the floor and spazz with laughter and cries falling from their lips.

"What's happening?" Sasha asked in disgust as the tears and saliva flung through the air as they laughed uncontrollably.

"Watch." The Premier simply said and directed their attention forward once again.

"Stop! Mercy! I beg you have- agh! Mercy!" The soldier from before begged as he laughed and laughed.

"You desire mercy? Then leave this place and you'll have it. I will speak only to the king. Tell him to stop hiding in his Royal chariot and come to see me himself." The Premier said and waved them off. They were simply wasting his time. He knew how it was going to go.

"Alright, men! Come away!" The soldier called through his laughter. It never wavered, never stopped. Tears escaped all of their bloodshot eyes as they clawed at their necks wanting it to stop.

"What are you doing you fools?! You've let him bewitch you! Get away from here! I'll deal with this myself." General Nile dismounted his horse and stomped over to Zachary.

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