Chapter 4: Boys Unused to Battle

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After the celebration in the Great Hall ended, Kaven released her soldiers to go home to their families. She then insisted that Eren, Connie, and Jean go home with her until she could figure out how to help them.

Kaven lived in a castle that the king had given her after she defeated the Vocarians in a long, grueling battle.

The castle was nestled in a cozy corner of the Royal Forest, on the outskirts of the city. It wasn't large as it was complicated, with halls and rooms, twisting and turning in every direction.

Upon their arrival, the three boys simply followed Kaven inside. She spoke aimlessly about how she stays on one side of the house, The east wing, because of the sunrise. She didn't want the extra space. So she stayed on that side.

"I don't bother with the west wing of the house. The east wing suits me perfectly." She explained.

The boys followed Kaven to a room she called the library. Apart from containing hundreds and hundreds of books, it had a Grand Piano in the center of it.

Kaven decided to sit down and play a tune while the boys explored.

Besides the fact that the high ceilings with books top to bottom reminded them of Armin, the comfortable-looking couch near the piano caught their eyes.

They sleepily sat down and let their heads fall back as the pleasure from sitting on the soft cushion took over their tired bodies.

Kaven noticed their fatigue and halted her playing with a graceful-sounding note.

"Are you tired, boys? I can have Mary show you to some guest rooms." She said nicely and turned to them on the bench.

Eren sighed and rose his head from the couch.

"Actually, I'm worried about us being here. Our friends could still be in Arizona while we're here, or they're here and lost. And not to mention my parents. They might call the police."

Kaven sighed and nodded her head. She felt helpless.

"Yeah, I understand. But I wouldn't know where to begin to help you get back to your world. It would be unwise to travel to the Premier this late. I'll tell you what, we'll rest tonight, tomorrow we'll go. He may know how to help." She suggested. Before anyone could respond, there was a knock on the door leading to the balcony.

The boys snapped their heads up and looked. How the heck did someone get up there?!

"What was that?" Jean asked a little tense.

"Oh, good. She's here." Kaven grinned and shot up from her bench and bolted to the door.

"Who?" Connie asked but Kaven was already opening the door to reveal the Princess.

"Freida!" Kaven grinned.

"Kaven." The Princess tiredly smiled back as she went in for a hug.

"Oh, I'm glad you could sneak away." Kaven rubbed her back before releasing her.

"And only just. I can't stay long. Hello boys." Freida greeted them after they caught her eye from the couch.

"Your Highness." They all mumbled and bowed their heads in respect.

Kaven shut the door in excitement about her friend's presence.

"The chefs are preparing dinner. Are you hungry any?" Kaven asked and walked to stand in front of Frieda again.

"My father is expecting me for a state function tonight, but I must speak with you about something urgent. Boys, if you don't mind-" Freida looked to the three teens, asking them with her eyes to leave, but Kaven cut her off.

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