Part Five- erm, what? Confusing i know...

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We were in there for another lifetime, or so it felt, it was like time ended when I was with him, it was magical. Well, until we were finally found, "hello?" It was the head of music, ah crap.

"Miss? It's me, Kelsey! Can you open the door please?" I heard the door click open, after all that trying, she opens it in seconds!

"WHAT IS GOING ON? AND WHY DO YOU ONLY HAVE ONE SOCK ON?!" Well. This is gonna be hard to explain...

"Miss, Erm what is it again? We've been here since about half nine this morning, and it's boiling! Kelsey just took her shoes and socks off to cool down, I did the same" Oli Sykes, saving the day, what would I do without my rockstar? Oh yeah, I wouldn't be stuck in an empty room, oh well!

"Oh well, that's ok I guess, I'm sorry for how I reacted! And it is quite warm in here, I was looking for you to tell you that second break has just finished, so you can go eat now" well, we weren't gonna go eat with a bunch of people who could steal Oli were we? So we came up with that idea, so off me and Oli were, in the empty corridors, on a quest for lunch, when we got there we both bought a sandwich and a drink and sat down in the canteen.

"Kelsey, I have something to tell you, I haven't been completely honest I why you, and don't think I'm using you, but I don't think this will work..." What? It's been how long? And he's just saying this after what happened? He was using me. I know if, how could I have been so stupid? Stupid stupid me. "The thing is Kelsey, I don't want to hurt you, and I don't want to not tell anyone about us, I want people to understand but they won't, I'm sorry"

"After what we just did? Why didn't you say this before?! I thought, I don't even know. Leave now. I don't want to see you ever again." Oli looks hurt, as if all he did was ask if I wanted some more juice, well what did he expect? Stupid me for trusting him, stupid Oli for using me.

He leaves the room, looking like he had more to say, but I wouldn't listen to him, I just want to go home and be alone, but I have to stay here, and face the looks. I'm supposed to have another music lesson right now, but it'd just remind me of Oli, and how perfect he is at it, how beautiful his voice is, how fast his fingers are on a piano.

I eventually drag myself up, and I regret it, I'm supposed to be showing Oli around all day, but he's gone, I can't spend the rest of the day in here, so I go to music, and when I walk in, Oli's right there, playing a guitar, I try to walk away, but everyone's already seen me, and my teacher calls me over.

"Kelsey, Oli was just showing us how good he is at guitar, and I know how much you like his band, so I asked him to play you a few songs!" Oh crap. No, please. "Go sit down next to Amy, and he can start" Amy, someone who understands me! Well, she doesn't, because she's sat right in front of Oli, looking at him like he's some sort of god, she doesn't know anything about what's happened today, that's gonna be fun to tell her later. I go to sit next to her, directly in front of Oli, and about a meter away from him, he looks at me with a forlorn expression, don't let him get to you Kelsey, you heard what he said. Don't let him get to you again! Then he starts playing, Blessed With A Curse, the song he played before he said he loves me, I have to restrain myself from either attacking Oli or storming out of the room, I fake a smile, and pretend I'm enjoying this, I even join in with Amy by singing, he plays another three songs, Alligator Blood, Chelsea Smile and Don't go, he gets me to sing the female vocals for Don't Go, he sounds so perfect, and so sad... I almost want to apologise, I want to hug him again, sing with him, but I can't...


So guys, it's been a while hasn't it? Thanks to everyone who's enjoying this! You guys are amazing! So you could you know, comment or vote with how you feel? You know where to reach me, thanks again!:3

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