Part seven- i love you

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So I look him in the eyes and say... "Second chances don't always work, not as much as they do first time round, but, for you Oli, I want to try this, I'll give you another chance" because, I love to sound cheesy, and it does sound pretty cheesy doesn't it? Oh well, I have Oli Sykes, my life, it's perfect, well besides a pet unicorn, but I can always dream right? Oli looks so happy, I love his smile, it's so easy to lose yourself in his eyes, especially when he's smiling, because when he's smiling, his whole face lights up! But, I realize that Oli is staring straight back into my eyes, with a smile on his face. You wouldn't think that we've known each other for about 5 hours would you? But we have, and I'm scared that this is going too fast, that we're skipping too much, I mean, we've had sex, but haven't been on a date? Then I realize, I've done 'it' with Oli Sykes, under age, and in school... Well... My life's certainly, interesting right? I think I do love him, maybe I don't, but I do have feelings for him, that's certain! Eventually, we both stop thinking so much, and break the connection between our eyes. "Kelsey, I know this is going to sound stupid, but can I kiss you?"

"Yes, of course" so he does what I've allowed him to, and kisses me, sure he has to bend down, and sure I have to go on my tip toes, but the kiss is still perfect, because it's us. This kiss stay as a kiss, and then we realize out fatal mistake, the assembly for Oli, it started fifteen minutes ago, and we were supposed to be there like, ten minutes before it started. We're going to be murdered, and slaughtered, ah crap.

"Oli, I love you, and this is pretty perfect, but we have somewhere we needed to be nearly half an hour ago, so yeah..." His face drops at this news, but I give him a quick hug, then grab his hand, and off we are, running down the halls of my school, trying to get to the main hall, when we reach it, we both check each other over for anything to reveal what we've been doing, and once we've both sorted out hair out (yes, Oli spent about half a minute adjusting his hair!) we walk in... "So, here you go folks, this is Oli Sykes, from bring me the horizon!" Apparently we aren't too late, and he's only just being introduced, since no one has seen us yet, well, Beccy has, and yes, she did wink at us, to which Oli retaliated by sticking his tongue out at her, he's so serious, I know, and I go to sit next to her, whilst Oli makes his way to the front, and introduces himself, speaks a little about his school life and how he wishes his schools music department had been so well equipped, and then he grabs his guitar, which is luckily by the stage, thank The Lord for people thinking! And starts playing his bands songs, solo, and acoustic, all the while, he's looking at me, and it's perfect, he's sung Blessed With A Curse to me three times today, and every time, it's been even more beautiful! He eventually has to finish, and says thank you to the school and teachers for welcoming him here, then he says something which surprises me, and always will, "I'd like to thank the music department for welcoming me here today, and all the students that have made my day so wonderful, but I'd also like to thank the girl who's showed me around all day, and who I can say has made a lasting impression on me, Kelsey, come down here!" Cue everyone turning around to state at me, and me turning more red than a tomato, but I still stand up, and make my way to the stage, to be hugged by Oli, wait? Doesn't he realize what's going to happen? Everyone's going to know, it'll be everywhere, I can already see a few people with their phones out, taking pictures that could ruin Oli's career, so I step away, thank him, and scuttle back to my seat, where I receive even more stares, oh well, it could be worse, right?

*an hour later*

So, it's over, well the school day is, I'm sleeping at Beccy's house tonight, so while I'm waiting for her outside school, Oli is waiting with me, his arm around me, and occasionally kissing me on the cheek, people are looking, but not really noticing, that is, until Beccy, Amy and Lauren come over, Lauren's also one of my closest friends, and for the past few years, she's put up with my excessive fangirling about music, ad band members! Beccy comes straight over to us as meows, since she's apparently a cat now, Amy laughs, and puts we hoodie on, and Lauren looks shocked and confused, oh yeah, she doesn't have a clue about what happened today! Oli looks at them, smiles, and then kisses me again, and hugs, and whispers into my ear 'I love you, Kelsey, and I don't want to leave, but I guess I must, I'll text you later babe" awh I knew this was coming, I wish it didn't have to, but it does! So I kiss him one last time, tell him I love him, and he walks away. Me and Beccy say bye to the others and start walking to Sainsburys, to see her boyfriend, Jonny, Jonny has brown hair, which he takes great pride in, and is in a band, he and Beccy have been together for about a year now, and they got together because of her being friend with Elliott, his best friend, and the vocalist for his band. Jonny is nice, and we all have a nice time together. When we get there, he smiles at Beccy and leaves the tills to kiss her "I missed you, my little Wendy" I'll never understand their nicknames, we stay there for over an hour, pretending to be confused as to what to buy, but eventually we leave, today's been so busy, but it's not over yet! And believe me, anything could happen...

*authors note*

Bit of a wait for an update eh? Yeah, in sorry about that! But it's quite a longish chapter for me, I guess, thanks for reading & you could always tell me how you feel? Thanks guys!:3<3

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