Part Ten- Everythings going great... And then BAM! It all goes down!

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Yesterday, I spent the day in Oli's apartment (yes, it was huge!) sat on his sofa watching Gremlins & Labyrinth, though there may be a couple of years between us, it turns out our movie tastes are almost exactly the same! After about half way through Gremlins (first one) Oli pauses the film and looks at me.

"You're still thinking about Abigail aren't you?" How did he know? I mean, I know he's supposed to be in love with me as much as I am in him, it's still weird, the fact that he knows exactly what I'm think about!

"Yes I am, I was wondering, how did you two break up?" I instantly feel like I've kicked a puppy, Oli looks quite sad that I've asked him, but he looks me in the eyes, whilst gripping my hands and tells me:

"Me and Abigail were together for about a year, we were together through high school, until I joined the band, when I did, she started talking to the guys at gigs more than me, always flaunting the fact that she had me. She did this with women the most, it's like I was just a name to her, someone to show off. Anyways, after Suicide Season came out and we finally got big, I was coming home from a recording session, already onto There Is A Hell, when I walked into the bedroom, and she was with another guy, I didn't know the guy, but I don't blame him, when I asked her if she'd done it with anyone else, she was truthful for the first time, and told me she'd been sleeping around for months with other guys. When I asked her why, she simply said she could, so she would" I looked at Oli, after hearing this, I've realised just how fragile he could be, how much he needed someone to trust. "Kelsey, I don't blame you for thinking something was going on between me and Abigail, but now that I've told you this, I'd like to think that you no longer believe that"

"Of course I don't Oli, I'm so sorry for thinking that there was something between you two, and I'm also sorry for making you remember her" I hug Oli, and look up at him, where he kisses me slowly.

"I love you, Kelsey"

"I love you too Oli"

*end of flashback*

I got ready for school, shockingly being able to wake up at my usual time despite staying up into the small hours of the morning talking to Oli.

"Come on Kelsey! You're gonna be late!" My mum shouts, she's always so scared about me being late, she even makes my breakfast for me on a morning because she's scared I'll forget to eat! I pull on my tie, put some eyeliner on and grab my school bag, before taking a quick glance in the mirror.

"Nice make up, you allowed that for school?" My stepdad, Anthony says.

"Yes, as a matter of fact I am, as long as I don't go overboard, make up is allowed. Thanks for the compliment" I say to him, then I rush to the bathroom, brush my teeth (everyone does it!) and run downstairs all in time for my mum to give me my lunch money, a bag containing a bagel and my boots.

"Don't forget, me and your stepdad aren't going to be home until late tonight, so I'd like it if someone was here with you, just so that you aren't alone all night".

"Sure mum, mind if Oli comes over?" my mum doesn't know all about him, yet, all she knows is that we're together, she doesn't know that he's the same Oli who I have posters of all over my wall.

"Of course he can, darling, just make sure you both eat something, and don't let Anthony know, you know what he's like!" Bless her, my mums near enough scared of her husband, it's like he rules her life now, before him she wanted more kids, and to live in a big house, but since them two got together, he made it clear he didn't want kids, and that I was a burden to him, he also tries to act like he's my real father, which doesn't work very well.

Oli Sykes- IN MY SCHOOLWhere stories live. Discover now