Part Eight- Yet more drama.

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When we got to Beccy's, I was texting Oli, not like a real conversation, just us two asking each other stupid questions, but it was still a great conversation, especially when I found out that Oli has a slight fetish for sexy llamas... I of course, enjoyed talking to Oli, and we arranged to meet that weekend.

I hadn't told anyone besides a couple of my closest friends, and I don't have a clue what to say to my mum, she'll probably, kill me, or something. But at about 5 in the afternoon, I told Oli I had to go, and spent the rest of the night with Beccy, eating pizza and watching films.

We decided to go onto Oli's Facebook, his personal, hidden one (he'd requested me earlier, I accepted straight away!) and what we found, well, it took the smile off of my face. Some girl called 'Abbie Shaftesbury' had written on Oli's wall 20 minutes ago saying 'hey babe, it's me! Bet you didn't expect to see me again did you? Well anyways, I'm moving back to Sheffield, to be with you! Love you Oli!


We get the train to Sheffield centre, and meet Oli in a Starbucks close by, when he walks in, a few people stare at him, as if they recognise him, well of course you do! He's Oli Freaking Sykes! He comes over to our table, and sits next to me, receiving a wink from Beccy, which he returns.

"So what do you two want to do for a few hours? I've gotta meet with a few people at about three, but you're welcome to come!" It's half 12 now, and there's really no point in getting a train for half an hour at three, that's no time! So we agree.

"So who we meeting today?" Beccy asks.

"Just a few people, the rest of my band, and the guys from You Me At Six?" This is gonna cause a fangirling spree, in fact, if I wasn't currently sat next to Oli Sykes, drinking coffee, I would probably be fangirling too. Beccy, however, isn't currently say next to Oli, so she goes into a gazillion questions about You Me At Six (her favourite band)

"What're they like? Does Josh really hate gossip? What's Dan like? Will he bring a cat with him? What if Josh see's a tent? Will he force us to run around it?!" Oli looks puzzled, so just replies with "they're all great guys, and all have great personalities, it'll be fun" Beccy just smiles and stares at the guy behind the counter, since he's looking at us in awe, bless. Jonny's supposed to come at about one, so we down to the bus stop where he gets off, and stand there pulling faces at people, yes, we are very very civilised. Jonny gets off the bus, and does a double take when he sees Oli. Oli just laughs and shakes his hand, oh ok. Go for the manly look now that he caught you pulling faces with your girlfriend (Yep, girlfriend!) and her friend! We wander around town for a while, stopping in HMV to show Oli his own CD, then decide to kill time by eating vegetarian sausage rolls, which, are the greatest things ever, thanks to Beccy introducing me to my first ever one! After that, it's near enough three, so we go to the rendezvous point, the Vans shop in Meadowhall, we're all lazy, so we decide to get a bus there, and by the time we've got to the Vans shop (we got lost somewhere between the entrance and the Disney store when Beccy decided she needed a Stich teddy bear...) everyone's there, sat on a bench, the same bench I was sat on whilst waiting I meet Oli an the rest of the band, not as Oli's girlfriend, but as a crazy fangirl!

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