Chapter 1

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Taylor (Reader)'s POV: Today was some New Years party, at this highschool for some reason. Like, can't people just stay home instead of going to the party? Nah. With some special girl there, there's no way any other dude would skip any event with her attending it. Even I can't skip an event with her being in it. So, I'm just going to quietly attend. None of my friends think I'd come,  but yet here I am, going to the party anyways.

"Tay-tayyy! You talking to yourself again?! THAT'S MY EXCUSE!" My sibling, Char said. They know everything I'm gonna go to, going to do, or whenever I'm away. They spy on me every second I'm alone.

"Yeah, so what? You can't be the only one who talks to themselves!" I say, annoyed.
"STILL! That's my excuse, man." They say, also very annoyed. They open the door gently- hold up, GENTLY?

"WHAT, I CAN'T BE LIKE I'M IN DDLC, OPENING THE DOOR?" They yell back. We start a fight, one that lasted for 30 minutes, until our mother came.

"What the hell is all this yelling for?" She asks.

"They opened the door gently!" (Taylor)
"I opened the door gently and he starts yelling at me!" (Char) We tell mom.

"Listen, Taylor, just cause someone opens the door gently and even says it doesn't mean it's illegal." Mother says.
"Now both of you, go put on your clothes for the party. I thought we'd refresh our lives tomorrow." She continues.

"Fiiiine!" Me and Char say at the same time. Char walks in the closet and comes out within 1 second. How?
"How the fu-" I say, but Char interrupts me.
"Hush, the closet is just magic. Especially if you're still that type of closeted." They say, dragging their fabulous Dragging Train Rose Dress (that's a reference) and pushes me into the closet. Magic looking sparkles dress me up into a nice looking suit- hold up, they were right, it's magic! But as I was saying, it puts me in a nice looking suit and I get teleported out.

"Woah." I say, in amazement.
"Yeah. Magical, right?" Char says, trying to tease me. I nod and we head out to our car, where our mother was listening to... some very catchy song? It had no lyrics, full of memes, but yet, it was catchy. There was some person making a scream-like noise but a little glitched. Then someone was sounding like they're saying 'beep' and just repeating what the scream-like noise did.

"Classic." The radio said.

"Aw, crap, just get in the car, children!" Mother says.
"Alright! We're getting in!" I say.

~10 minutes later, at the highschool~
Taylor's POV: Literally, me and Char were at the entrance of the highschool and there was a line. A LINE. At the entrance. Like, why the hell would a long line be over here? There's no surprise vibe check, scanning, whatever, but there's still a line. Why? Suddenly, the line moves very fast and Char pushes me. We arrive inside the school, and I just silently walk into a corner. The party was being held inside the Gymnasium. Fancy name, right? Well, thats that the principal and teahcers wants us to call the gym. Even in our heads.

"Ay, what's Rin doing?" A familiar voice says, as I turn around to see Malin watching the perfect, pretty girl, Rin doing something. (That's another reference) Rin seems to be closing in to someone and then said to him,

"Nah. You're not worth it. Sorry man." She says. Some guy punches her jokingly, and then said,
"Oh shit, my bad- I didn't mean to punch you-" He says.
"No worries, it's alright, Aaron!" Rin says, to the man who's name is 'Aaron.' Rin then walks towards me, wait, she's coming here? Oh crap. She then looks straight into my eyes, and starts getting very close to the point I can feel her breathing.

"W-what are you doing?" I ask, nervously and kind of um... liking.
"Shut. I'm seeing if you're worth my romance and time." She says. Is she that desperate to find a lover? A minute passes and she lets go.

"... You're worth my time. And my romance." She says, firmly, but them smiles.
"I'm Rin. I've never met you, so what's your name...?" She asks, and blushes just a little.
"I'm Taylor. This here is my sibling, Char." I say.

Is this the start of an unintentional love?

Are You REALLY That Cool? (Taylor(oc) x Ron)Where stories live. Discover now