3: The boy in black

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When Naoki woke up he felt rejuvenated, alive and well altogether had a good sleep. Of course, ignoring the fact that he had gotten up earlier at 4:00 Pm. It had become a habit of His to get up at 4:00 because there was no way to keep track of time in the vortex world so his body had adjusted to get woken up by pixie. So he had naturally gotten up but was reminded that he was in the real world and had no reason to wake up so early but Naoki took this time to see if he still had his powers. And the results made no sense. The only good result he got was a almost heart attack and caused a broken car but his parents need to know that.

Naoki got dressed putting on a normal shirt and putting on his iconic jacket with pants this time instead of shorts. Sure he could wear pants but for now, he wanted to wear pants even in this hot weather. The boy made his way downstairs, heading into the kitchen to grab something to eat before leaving because today Naoki had plans and nobody could stop him. Well, maybe his parents but he doubts they are not gonna let me go to the mall on a Saturday. Naoki ate his cereal with speed before heading toward the door and putting his shoes on and he was just about to leave when
"Naoki what are you doing up this early? Your normally asleep still"
Naoki was meet face to face with his father. He and his father had never had issues they were quite the same both very silent people who always look so still face but it wasn't until high school that Naoki seemed to drift from dad's personality, new school meant new friends, experiencing new stuff but Naoki never did the average high-schooler stuff. He wasn't in clubs for he found no clubs he likes and he wasn't in sports didn't have an athletic body. Naoki's dad always gave him a hard time about this and honestly Naoki never really cared about it till of course when his life was always endangered.
"I decided to go to Ginza today to do some clothes shopping"
"You doing clothing shopping?"
Naoki's father didn't question either because he was glad Naoki was getting more clothes or that he could see through his lie. Either way, his dad didn't stop him
"Okay but make sure not to stay out too late"
Naoki walked outside the house and outside he heard police sirens and looked to his left. To Naoki's left down the road, there was a police tap, officers, and a group of people including his neighbors. Naoki walked over to where the commotion was, look through the crowd of people and officers. On the opposite, a couple of blocks down a car had a large dent in it along with a popped soccer ball which seemed to cause the dent, at that Naoki's stomach did a small flip in surprise and well worry. Naoki isn't one to deny something he's done when he's the one who did it, which in this situation Naoki is the one who caused the dent. How? Well, it started at 4:00 pm.

To simply put it, Naoki wanted to know if he still had any powers or skills from the vortex world so he tested his strength on a poor soccer ball who became that poor victim soccer ball in the car. Now to be fair Naoki didn't mean to kick that ball into the car. When he tried the first time the ball didn't go anywhere but by the third attempt he got angry and kicked the ball a little too hard for its liking sending the ball into the car and causing the car alarm to go off. So like the rat he was, he ran off back to his room defying the human body's limits- jumping higher allowing him over the fence around his house, and almost break his window trying to open it wider.

Naoki eventually turned away because he knew if he looked anymore he would just say sorry and then have to explain how he's the one who caused the accident but he was in the mood to explain how his kicking skills went from trash to pro soccer player kick.
Naoki eventually got to a bus and was dropped off in the square of Ginza. It was as expected but unusually crowded, full of life and chatting.
"Did hear about the local blackout?"

"Yeah, did you hear about the three teens who went missing for 3 hours?"

"Some say it was because the hospital was haunted"

"Accordingly the police heard a loud wailing but they never found our where it came from"

Naoki walked through the crowds of people after getting off the bus, the loud and chatting was a comfort for the boy as he had the slightest bit of rising anxiety. Naoki walked down into the underground mall along with a crowd of people look around at the mall, it was weird seeing people in place of demons walking around. Eventually while navigating from memory Naoki found a jewelry shop in a place where the junkyard Manikin's shop would be, being rather curious the boy went into the store to look around. To his amazement, the store was bigger he
Expected it to be. The cluster of trash that would normally be there was gone and replaced by many glass stands filled with jewelry rings, necklaces, and expensive-looking watches. Naoki looked up from the jewelry feeling eyes on him and saw the store owner, the man was in his mid 20's early 30's. His hair was slicked back and had some ruffles in the front. The man wore a grey jacket that was buttoned up in the middle and underneath he wore a white turtleneck sweater along with grey pants to match his jacket.
"Heya! Can i help you wtih something?"
Naoki was caught off guard
how long was I staring?
"Um no i don't think so? Im just looking at the moment" plus i don't think i can afford anything here. Did any of the money i collect from the vortex world still exist?

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