6: The new student

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Early morning light shined through a high-schoolers room. It felt foreign to the demon, Naoki got up from the comfort of the bed. The demifiend put a hand on face, rubbing off the sleep but only stopped when he saw markings. No. No, no no no.. the demon opened the curtains in the room revealing the outside world..desert.. sand.. human life..gone

Morning light shines through a teen's room. It was a good welcoming morning, high schoolers walking to school, chatting. Meanwhile, a teen is sitting on his bed fully dressed. Awake yet, worried, scared and like always tired.

Naoki Kashima was not the type of person to let his dream keep him up since most of them are nightmares and nightmares are just weird dreams that make no sense. But Naoki was sitting on his bed ponding his dream. In his dream, he was a fiend again, and the world he so desired was gone replaced by the same hell he was granted to live in. He woke in a sweat and panic- touching all over his face, the back of his neck but there was nothing there. No black demon bone sticking out the back of his neck and no markings. So Naoki had no idea why he was still in his room fully dressed now, ready for school being paranoid. He had told himself before that there was no reason to be scared when he was a human again yet, he was scared still. Worried that something was coming for him.

A knock on Naoki's door made him snap out of his self worry.
"Come in"

At the gesture the door cracked open, it was Naoki's mother. Her hair was neatly put up into a bun and she had makeup on, Naoki had forgotten he is normally dropped off near his school. Before Naoki could respond with a usual response of "ill be down soon" she beat him to the speak first.
"Naoki your friend from yesterday is outside waiting for you. He said you two were gonna walk to school"

Friend from yesterday? Honestly, Naoki was sure that Isamu would have mention walking with him to school. Plus they always walk to school together so why come to his house today? Naoki got up and walked downstairs with his mom. Downstairs at the front door was his dad and he was talking with a boy outside whose bangs in the front were fluffy and short with sideburns that look like they could stab you.
"So your finally awake Naoki?"

The boy with short hair, no Jouhei- had noticed Naoki from behind his dad. Naoki simply nodded then said goodbye to both his mom and dad leaving for school. Both the boys walked in silence for a while, the sound of cars honking and other high-schoolers talking. Eventually Naoki this time broke the silence.
"So when did you have enough time to get a uniform for the school and still register?"

"I have my ways. Getting the uniform was easy, registering was a little harder. I guess the title Kuzunoha is something people don't take as a last name"

"Of course it's not, but I'm assuming you used your actual last name"
Raidou nodded after that Naoki and Raidou simply talked, about the travels of the Vortex world, the real world, and of course school. As they got closer to school more students were around.

"Hey Naoki I got a question"

Hey Naoki..!


Oi! Naoki...

"I noticed a lot of students here wear their uniforms properly but you wear your jacket over your white shirt. How come?"


Before he could answer Raidou about his rebellious school outfit choice behind him were Isamu and Chiaki who were both wearing school uniforms and looked angry.


Chiaki simply signed then said good morning to Raidou before walking to the school's entrance leaving an angry Isamu with Naoki and Raidou.
"Dude what the hell!"

 Wish to be normal (with a side of demons)Where stories live. Discover now