7: The normal side of life

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The land was shrouded in darkness, it was also dark outside. There was an old shrine too, a boy in black rang a bell in the middle of the shrine.


"Raidou has been missing for almost 3 days now leaving his capital unprotected"

"It's none of our business"
The black cat was violently told to buzz off with a kick by the boy in black.

"listen Raido, I know you care about him but you can't just try to save yourself every time. You are a Kuzunoha"

The boy in black was silent but then gave a disturbing smile, one that said he had a plan.

"I'm going after him, if he was kidnapped I'll kill whatever demon took him then quickly return home"

The cat groaned
"That's what you said last time and you both returned an hour late!"

The summoner tilted his hat
"That was different"

The cat signed but followed the copy looking summoner
"Okay fine, but let's be quick okay?"

"Alright, after all, I won't show this demon any mercy"

Naoki woke up in a bolt. It was still noon and lunch. Sitting around him was Isamu, Chiaki, and next to him Raidou. He looked at all of them quickly then blinked again rubbing his eye. Naoki had no idea how long he napped for but it didn't seem like long.
"You're finally awake." Commented Chiaki who seemed to finish her lunch obvious from the empty bento.

"It's about time he's up. We worried you we gonna sleep through all of lunch without eating."
Naoki looked at Isamu for a while then looked down noticing a bento box in front of him. It wasn't Naoki because lord knows he never packs lunch for himself, he normally just steals some of Isamu and Chiaki's food from time to time.
"Uh.." he started

Chiaki answered his question
"It's Jouhei's. He said he made an extra one just in case, I guess it's a good thing you don't pack lunches Naoki"

Naoki doesn't look at Raidou, for some reason he feels like if he did he would see that unwithering smirk he has and become embarrassed. Naoki simply thanks Raidou and eats as his friends all chat.

Lunch ends and Naoki heads to his 5th and 6th Classes. His 5th-period class was science, never one of his best subjects, and then his next class- social studies. Believe it or not, studying other people isn't an ability Naoki has, Naoki has never found it fun or interesting. Maybe it's because at some point it leads to the class always asking big questions like: "what would you change?" Or "what's your opinion on this?" Many questions that Naoki could never give a clear yes or no to and he sure as hell can never give a clear answer now. The last thing he needs is someone saying his opinion and reasoning is dumb..bless whoever wishes to say that to him.

The bell rang starting class, today or as this chapter, they are learning about all the many ways people have either sacrificed themselves for people or people from themselves aka the study of many of man's choices. Naoki opened the textbook for the class and turned to the said page that the class was reading. The boy had no intention of reading this section or staying awake for it but really who could blame Naoki for not wanting to do any of this after all the things that happened these two days Naoki has just been tired, so Naoki propping himself up with his hand on the side of his face fell asleep again.

A bell rang signaling that school was now over. Naoki woke up from it snapping his eyes open and yawning, he closed the book and looked around. Many students were talking and leaving the class so deciding not to want his teacher to question him, Naoki quickly got all his stuff and leave the class. Naoki walked down to the first floor quickly wanting to leave school and go home. Many students were chatting and standing around.
"Hey Naoki wait up"

 Wish to be normal (with a side of demons)Where stories live. Discover now