9: The summoner dilemma

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The moonlight shined down over Japan bringing light to a boy running in the middle of the night talking with a cat who meowed aggressively as he talked to it. The cold air and running did help the stopping of blood from flowing onto the teenager's shirt. But following this boy and the cat was a devil summoner who was willing to dance with the devil in the pale moonlight.

Naoki and Gouto got to Raidou's temporary house both out of breathe.
"Did we get here fast enough?" Asked Gouto sarcastically

"No" said Naoki seriously

Naoki walked over to the front door and knocked on it hard, he knew Raidou would be mad for knocking this loud but he wasn't the one who was almost killed. When nobody came to the door Naoki knocked again
"Give him some time Naoki" said Gouto

"How can he possibly be busy at a time like this!" Said Naoki
From behind the bickering human and cat, a strong demon energy surged behind them causing both Naoki and Gouto to turn around to face it. It was a demon Naoki had never seen before but it wore red armor like a samurai but most importantly it was charging at Naoki and Gouto.
"Yoshitsune!" Shouted Gouto who ran to the fence and jumped into its top.

"Who? Hey wait where do you think you're going!" Said Naoki.

"Going to get Raidou since he doesn't seem to be coming out anytime soon, stay here and don't die" Gouto said before jumping off the fence and going behind the house. Naoki turned around to face the demon known as Yoshitsune, truth be honest Naoki has fought Raidou many times but he knew really got any of his demon's names (that is until now). Once Yoshitsune got close he disappeared then reappeared in front of Naoki and slashed at his chest. Naoki didn't have enough to predict this and was caught off guard, at that moment he believed it was going to be his end right there. His sins had finally caught up to him and were going to kill.

Naoki blinked only for a second and suddenly Yoshitsune has been pushed a few feet away from him. Naoki turned around to who saved him. Standing in the doorframe was Raidou who was panting, sweaty, and had no hat on surprisingly. The summoner walked out of the house and to Naoki.
"Sorry for being late, had to deal with some demons of my own. Literally" said Raidou glaring down Yoshitsune.
"Why do you protect him!" Shouted Yoshitsune to Naoki's surprise. He didn't have many actual conversations with demons who wanted to rip his throat out.

"That's none of your business" said Raidou angrily
The summoner pulled out a second tube
"Come to me! Vritra!"

And from the glowing green tube came out a red dragon. The demon Vritra made no haste in chatting or studying its enemy but instead dashed in to fight Yoshitsune. Vritra immediately wrapped its Yoshitsune and crushed him. Yoshitsune shouted in pain and stabbed Vritra who also let out a howl. But instead of letting go Vritra tightened itself around Yoshitsune until there was a terrifying snap sound from Yoshitsune, after that the armored demon disappeared in a green mist to where ever its master may be.
"Good job Vritra" said Raidou
The demon gave a nod then disappeared in green mist into its tube too. Raidou put the tube in his back pocket then turned to Naoki.
"Let's go inside" said Raidou who allowed Naoki to wrap his arm over his neck and both went inside. Once inside the house Raidou closed the door, locked the door and went to the living room. Looking around the room it was safe to assume that a attack happened here too, the room was a mess. The couch was pushed far out and paper was scattered everywhere, the floor was scratched with slash marks that seemed to come from a sword and now look at it- Raidou didn't have his sword on him so it couldn't have been his doing.
"Don't mind the mess." Said Raidou as a let a slight Yawn
"I got attacked while I was sleeping, but thankfully the demon didn't do much damage"

"Much damage is an understatement" said Naoki
The teens sat on the couch which they moved back into the middle of the living room where the tv was. Naoki let out a groan as he tried to get comfortable which he quickly found out he couldn't because his wounds still hurt. Raidou noticed his and gave Naoki a worried face.
"What happened?" Asked Raidou as he was now examining Naoki's wounds. The cuts that didn't look so fresh now looked worse in light, because of the amount of moving they were bleeding again.
"I lost a sword deal with your twin" said Naoki sarcastically as he held up his shirt for Raidou. At that Raidou raised an eyebrow confused before his face turned to fear. The summoner got up quickly leaving out the living room then walked back in a few seconds later with bandages, hydroperoxide and gauze.

As Raidou wrapped the bandages and gauze around Naoki's stomach and shoulder he decided to get a real answer from Naoki.
"So you got into a fight with my twin.." said Raidou not asking but more of confirming Naoki's statement.


"And he looked like me in every way?"

"Yes but he had to scars on his face, one running down his face and the other across his si- OUCH!"
Before Naoki could even finish describing his assassin Raidou pulled tight at the medical gauze around Naoki's Shoulder. Raidou didn't make eye contact with Naoki and just stared at his wound.
"I'm sorry..." said Raidou now hushly
The summoner looked sad, hurt and Naoki noticed because he put his hand on Raidou's shoulder.
"Hey it's fine. It's not your fault" said Naoki trying to comfort his defeated friend
Raidou didn't say anything but this face scrunched up and he frowned deeply
"No...Naoki it's my fault. I know why Raido attacked you" said Raidou

Naoki's eyebrows raised but he kept a neutral facial expression masking any shock from showing.
"Go on" said Naoki

"I've known Raido for a while now, he is an alternative version of me. So when I went to stop you in the vortex world originally so did he just small different events. But when I came back here and didn't return he had some right to have his suspicions raised. Of course though I didn't think he would act like this because of them"

"Did he tell you he was coming here?"


The teen and the summoner sat in silence thinking about what has come to light.
"Will he kill me?" Asked Naoki

"Probably not if you tell him you're human" said Raidou

"But I'm not"


"I can still use my powers, so I don't know if I'm even human now"

Raidou looked Naoki in the eyes but Naoki didn't look at his. He didn't think he could look at him the same and not feel like he lied to him about being human. But Raidou wanted his gaze so he grabbed a handful of his face and made him lock eyes with him. It was a weird stand-off to see who will give in first, Naoki or Raidou.
"Naoki" said Raidou softly

"Raidou" said Naoki back softly as well

Raidou had let go of the handful of Naoki's hair, he was now more focused on Naoki's pretty face. The summoner leaned closer to Naoki with his hands on the other's chest pressing him against the couch. Naoki didn't argue. He let Raidou lean closer to him and push against the couch, now the two boys were in a pose with probably the most sexual tension either of them had. Raidou moved in to kiss Naoki but stopped, unsure if he should. So to avoid Naoki feeling disappointed, he instead lightly kiss his neck. Naoki was caught off guard by the kiss, it made his whole body shake with goosebumps. The boy's hands traveled from the side of the couch up to Raidou's hair, he lightly dripped it urging the summoner to continue. But to his surprised Raidou pulled back and was red in the face. Naoki was confused for a second before he realized the summoner wasn't looking at him but someone behind. Naoki turned around and was greeted by a black cat on the floor looking at both him and Raidou wide-eyed.

There was silence between all three of them before Gouto spoke up first
"While I know you both teens and probably experiencing many things, I ask that you don't test some of those things on the couch with Raidou" said Gouto
Naoki blinked then realized that Gouto wasn't addressing Raidou but him. This makes Naoki blush out of embarrassment.
Eventually Naoki and Raidou separated from each other and was greeted by Gouto who was sitting on the coffee table in the middle of the room.
"So as you know as of now Raido the 14th has decided to set out a kill you Naoki, while we don't know why now it's safe to say you should take cover and watch out for demons. Now it is 100% safe to assume the Yoshitsune you saw out there Naoki was Raido's which probably means he's somewhere in the city close, you should check out the city and ask if anyone has seen a boy with a scarred face." Said Gouto

Naoki nodded, it was an easy-to-follow plan but the idea of seeing Raido in person left him scared. Suddenly Naoki felt his body go limp and slumped over next to Raidou. Both the summoner and the cat jumped at Naoki's action and started talking to him but for some reason he couldn't hear anything but ringing. Naoki's eye drifted from the two panicking detectives to the blood which was seeping from his bandaged wounds. Naoki took in a deep breath and blinked, his eyes suddenly felt heavy and he felt him drifting off to sleep.
"Naoki!" Someone Shouted but Naoki couldn't figure out who, but that was a problem for future Naoki to figure out. Right now present him just wanted to go to sleep and stop this body pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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