8: Midnight Murder

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"Come on it's 10 we should all go home"

"See you later Naoki"

"Goodbye Naoki"

"Goodnight Naoki.."

"Rai- Jouhei wait.."


Laying deep in bed a former fiend lays down trying to go to sleep after his action from tonight in front of his friends...

His hands were wrapped around his companions and Raidou was hugging him back, the action felt awkward as if neither of them wanted this. Eventually, Naoki broke the hug and looked a Raidou with a smile. Wanting to say something else or rather do something else then he did! Both Naoki and Raidou's faces moved close to each but they immediately broke the near touching contact at the sound of a door opening.

"Hey, Naoki I forgot my bag..am I interrupting something?"

Naoki quickly hugged Raidou again and whispered goodbye before forcing both friends out of his house.


Naoki lay in bed replaying the scene over and over again, deeply embarrassed. Naoki took a deep breath relaxing then drifted to sleep...

Naoki's dream was unusual which was surprising. his weird dreams mostly involve getting stabbed or being eaten by demons yet in this dream he was at school and in his school uniform. Naoki looked around and the first person he saw was Raidou, he flushed but didn't know why.
And suddenly Raidou was close to Naoki was caught off guard but wasn't scared- why should he be, Raidou's his friend...

The boy felt his face burn more. So he looked away from Raidou, and in the background, nothing can be made out it was just blurry but it featured some real features of his school. The many trees, students, the lights too. Naoki's attention was forced back to his dream friend by a hand harshly grabbing his face, this action was swiftly followed by a dream kiss. Who was delivered by no other than Naoki's friend Raidou. Naoki was sure if any else saw his face they would have called him a tomato because that is how he currently felt, redder than a tomato. Naoki pushed away from the dream Raidou but it didn't make any difference for some reason because it still felt just as close as before.
"What's wrong? You didn't like it?"

The voice was still Raidou's yet now Naoki felt like somebody was off. Before Naoki could think of a proper answer Raidou spoke again
"I'm not surprised if you didn't like it, after all, how can anyone enjoy a kiss with a demon" stated the dream Raidou with a tone that dripped with disgust

Naoki blinked at Raidou, feeling his stomach churn.

"Did you think I could ever love you? You're a monster. You killed people, all demons and your friends.."

Naoki now giving in to his emotions snapped at Raidou.

"I did what I had to do!" Shouted Naoki.

The angry boy clenched his fist and Raidou must have noticed this because he stepped back and Naoki stepped forward throwing a punch. It happened faster than Naoki expected, he didn't know why he threw a punch or why he would punch Raidou but Raidou was faster.

Raidou pulled out his sword and cut Naoki down at his shoulder. Naoki let out a hiss of pain and instinctively pulled back but forced himself to steady because he knew there was no way he could move in his condition. Raidou quickly pulled out the sword from Naoki's shoulder then stabbed it straight through his stomach. Naoki's eyes burned and his whole body screamed in pain.

Naoki forced himself off the cruel blade and staggered backward, he breathed heavily while blood pooled on the group which leaked from his stomach. Raidou walked slowly to Naoki pulling out his gun and pointing it at the boy's head.
"Any last words?" Asked the dream Raidou

 Wish to be normal (with a side of demons)Where stories live. Discover now