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Negan continued to walk in front of me which was okay because I could keep staring at his nice ass. He whistled quietly for several seconds before turning his head to look at me,

"What's a pretty thing like you doing out in this shit-hole by yourself?" He swung is bat around loosely, walking slower.

I blushed and chuckled a bit, "Living the dream."

"Can't get any sweeter than this, sweetheart."

His charm was definitely starting to show. I blinked looking up at his black hair. It looked so soft. I wanted to feel it. We continued down the dirt road, the sun peaking through the trees.

More hordes of zombies started to emerge from the ditches of the road, some crawling, some climbing their way towards us. I pulled out my machete. Negan only chuckled to himself, before swinging his bat down on a zombies head, their body clasping underneath like nothing. I watched him in awe, I was very much intrigued.

Suddenly, a zombie had lunged its way towards me, it's fingers trying to reach my arm. Negan jumped into action and pushed his body in front of mine before hitting the zombies head from the side. Some blood splattered on his face. He sighed wiping himself off with part of his jacket.

He was wearing an all black leather, motorcycle jacket. It had two horizontal zippered pockets in the front with a zipper going down his stomach. Underneath he wore a dark navy blue long-sleeved shirt.

"Keep having to safe your ass, Vi." He panted, "You are some piece of work to these dead-fuckers, I must say."

I laughed a loud, "I'll take that as a compliment, Negan."

I stabbed the last zombie in the head before stopping to take a breath,

"You alone out here? Have a group?"
"I used to. Did not last very long until I lost it all. My group of guys, my lovely prison-military base. Been wondering on my own now ever since."

Nodding slowly, I listened to Negan carefully.

"I'm just a nobody now in this fucked up world."

From what I could gather it sounded like he had been through a lot but eventually redeemed himself a better person by being on his own in the end.

Negan stopped walking and stared in the distance,

"Looks like a hospital a few miles down. Maybe we could check it out, find some supplies, a possible place to bunk for the night."

I spotted a large dirty, white building up ahead. A large red H was displayed at the front of the building, it's paint was faded and worn off. Some of the windows I could see were destroyed and broken out. It looked vacant but getting to the hospital would be a job just in itself.

"Sounds pleasant. Let's do it."

Negan smirked at me and started walking ahead. I bit my lips, following behind him like a little puppy. I was so flustered. Part of me wanted him to turn around and slam me up against a tree, his barbed wire bat at my throat as he teased me before licking his lips, looking down at mine as if he wanted to kiss me.

The hospital was slowly getting closer, the building peeking out behind clusters of large green trees.

"Think the hospital should be coming up at this next corner." I pointed to a fork in the dirt road as it split off in different directions.

"Sounds about right. I'm getting tired." Negan panted a bit, and looked up at the clouds, the sun was going down but it wasn't dark enough to cause worry. Some sweat dripped down his forehead as he pulled out a plastic water bottle and took a few gulps. I stared at his throat, admiring his neck muscles as they pulsed from when he swallowed. I could see his large vein pop out from the side of his neck. It was so hot.

"Need a drink?" He sighed with a little smile. I nodded and took it, bringing the bottle to my lips. The water felt refreshing as it hit my parched throat, I realized that I had hardly drank any water.

"I'm definitely thirsty." I panted, gulping down another mouthful before handing the bottle back to Negan.

"I can see that." He chuckled from some water spilling down my pink cheeks, "Feel better?"

"Yes, very much so." I chuckled, and sighed looking in his black eyes. He kept his gaze on me, smirking.

Soon the hospital was a few feet in front of us. Negan walked ahead a few paces before kicking the white door in, his black boot leaving a muddy footprint. His grunt almost made me stomach want to fall out.

We stepped a few paces inside looking around. I pulled out a small flashlight I had stuffed in my tank top and shinned the light in the room. The hospital itself was very spacious but dark and eerie. The white-blue light shinned a few feet in front of me.

Negan cautiously looked around, his bat in hand ready to strike over his shoulder. I loved how his knuckles gripped the bat roughly. Blood was splattered on some of the white walls and papers laid lifeless on the floor. Even some gunshots looked like they had punctured the wall at some point and left gaping holes. The silence was deafening but I felt a lot safer inside the hospital.

"We should check this main floor first, clear it out and then maybe head upstairs."

"Sounds like a good idea." Negan hummed, peeking his head around hallways and some doors.

I followed beside him, keeping my guard up. I had my machete on my back still. Growling sounds soon echoed down the hallways in several of the rooms. Negan and I entered each room, striking any zombie that we came across. Some still wandered the halls. I grunted as I stabbed a male zombie in the head, it's body now lifeless. I exited the current room I was in, looking around for Negan.

"Negan?" I spoke in a hushed whisper. I got no reply. It was quiet.

"Negan?" I said aloud again, only a little louder. I heard a weird rustling sound a few rooms down. I braced myself with my machete in hand, my purple curls tickled my face as I walked stealthily. The noise was becoming louder and I gripped the handle ready to attack.

I swung my blade and almost hit Negan in the chest,

"Whoa! Whoa, Violet, it's just me!" He panted and grabbed my wrist, his fingers touching my skin. I froze and put my machete down,

"Sorry, thought I heard something."

"It's okay, sweetheart. I get it." He smiled at me, "Look what I found."

Negan pulled out a bottle of whiskey from his jacket. My green eyes widened,

"Alcohol inside of a hospital?"
"Apparently so." Negan chuckled, and gestured his fingers out for me to follow him,

"Come on, got something to show you."

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