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Aside from how uncomfortable I was, I fell asleep. My unconsciousness drifted off into blackness as I was blindly reaching for Negan. I wanted to feel his arms engulf around my waist and tell me everything would be alright again.

Trying to continue sleeping was nearly impossible before I awoke to the sliding door opening. Shielding my face, I noticed that it was Harry. The timid, shy one.

"What do you want?" I grumbled, trying to get my vision to focus from the bright light outside. Harry slid the door closed about halfway. He turned to face me with a tray in his hands,

"You need to eat." His voice was quiet, "Greg wants to keep you alive at least for now. Most do not last long in conditions like this. I was almost dead." My narrowed at him as he placed a flimsy styrofoam tray down in front of me.

Harry sighed, running a hand through his shiny black hair. I watched him wearily as he turned and left me in the dark again. It was very early in the morning now so at least I could see somewhat. Looking down, I stared at a soggy piece of bread with some what looked like dog food slopped on top. But my ravished hunger was too strong and I snarfed down the food in seconds. My eyes watered from the sudden sweetness that fed my stomach. It was barbecue. It tasted like meat. Pork.

It was real, warm, mouth-watering food. It's been so long since I've had something actually warm and gooey.

Getting my bearings I chewed slower. I wanted to savor the smoky favor as much as possible.


After I had stuffed my face, I wiped my flushed cheeks with the back of my hand. My stomach cramped from eating too fast but I ignored the pain. Suddenly, I became very hot and leaned back against the cool wooden boards behind me. I shivered at the same time, not understanding why. Soon my stomach settled and I waited in my 10 x 10 crate.

Waiting seemed like hours until a raspy voice was outside my door,

"Psst! Vi, you hiding in there?"

My forest eyes widened and I swiftly moved to the other side of the crate, pressing my hands to the wood. I winced as my skin sliced against the slivery wood.

"Yes, Negan, I'm here!" I spoke in a hushed whisper, "Please get me out, please!" I was desperate for a escape and to hold him again. "Back up, sweetheart."

I did as I was told, backing up to the other side of the crate. My sandy curls draped over my knees as I pressed my chin to my chest.

Listening carefully, I could hear the wood crackling as Negan picking at the locked door with some sort of tool.
Suddenly he forced the door open and stepped inside. Our eyes locked and I jumped into his strong arms, his stumble tickling my hair as he pulled me tighter in his grip.

"I got you, baby."

He kissed me deeply before grabbing my hand and pulling me outside. The daylight was blinding as I squinted my eyes to try and see where I was going. Our victory was short lived.

"Fuck, those brats escaped, Greg!" Felix shouted angrily, already cocking his brown shotgun. He was standing outside of a trailer, almost like he was taking guard. Harry came timidly running from the right side of the trailer, pointing his pistol at us. Felix grunted before snatching Harry's pistol,
"Give me that you idiot! You are as pathetic as the rest of them."
My body was jolted back as Negan pushed me behind him. It look me a minute to realize his forehead and side of his face was bloody.

"What the hell happened to-"
"Mr. Negan must really be wrapped around your fingers, Ms. Weiss." Greg came outside of his beaten down trailer, a cigarette popped in his mouth. My lips tightened as I glared directly at him. His grey hair was sticking up in all directions. I watched wearily as he smirked, twirling his his own pistol in his hands. Negan reached his arm around my butt keeping me behind him.

"Look fellas, I'm fucking Negan. I know this, okay? I have a more than welcome personality and I get you want me to be smirking around, killing people, whistling my bat around like a fucking god but I will not. He wiped some of the blood dripping down his face with the backside of his hand, "I have a reason to be a better person, not only because of Violet. I'm getting sick and tired of this shit, I'm getting too old for this. I got some pep in me but not a lot that's going to keep me going like how I used to for another decade. I've fucking changed, fellas. And I'm sorry."

Greg sighed and only laughed, "How pathetic. Do you even miss your old self? Do you remember that person? Or have you turned into a fucking lame ass person like the rest of them? What about your group? The complex you used to live in with us. You were a king. And now, you are just a fucking servant — a nobody."

Greg pointed his gun at us and Negan shoved me out of the way. I fell on the ground as a loud bang exploded in the air. Everything stopped as I saw Negan fall back to the ground.

"No! Negan!" I screamed, crawling to him. He grunted in pain but still gave me a smirking smile.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, everything will be fine. Please get out of here, okay?" His hand gripped his shoulder, blood oozing from his gunshot wound.
"Stop that right now, I am not leaving you!" I had a sudden rage come over me and despite my fear of also being shot, I glared at Greg and the boys. I was done with being fucked with.

Looking around, Negan's bat was a few feet away from me but not in arms reach. I quickly snatched the bat and stood on my feet. My adrenaline was surging through my body.


Suddenly, a couple gunshots roared again in the air but this time I saw both Greg and Felix fall flat on their faces. Harry had shot them. The sound was so loud, my ears rung.

"Always keep a backup, Harry." He mumbled.

I could not believe it. Harry faced his demons — his cowardliness. My body was frozen in shock. My legs stood still. I was unable to move a single finger.

"Harry, I-"
"Please do not thank me. Just wait."

Harry ran inside the trailer, I could hear him rummaging around, throwing things. He came out with a first aid kit and a handful of gauzes and ran up to us. Quickly, he threw his hair up in a man bun.

"I used to be a doctor before this, I can save him. He will be alright. It's the least I can do." He pulled out some surgical tools and put a roll of gauze in Negan's mouth, "This is going to hurt, I'm sorry."

I winced, watching Negan scream and grunt in pain. It killed me to see him hurting. I squeezed his hand for him, trying to bring comfort.

"Thank you, you saved me as well. You gave me courage to do what I knew was right." I nodded, "Courage can take a lot of will power, you've always had it in you, Harry."


The gold bullet was removed from his shoulder, leaving a gaping, bloody hole in his body. Harry neatly wrapped up his shoulder and helped him sit up.

"You are a good man, Harry, thank you." Negan slurred his words, trying to breathe through his pain. I ran my hand through his soft black hair. I loved this man so intensely. I would do anything for him and I know he would do the same for me.

I sighed happily and kissed his face and head, putting my arms around him carefully. He leaned his head in my chest closing his tired eyes.

"I'll be okay, baby girl. And we are going to rock this shitty world, you and me."

I chuckled at his humor, "I know, Negan. We sure will."


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