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(3rd POV)

???: "Okay... I don't know if this thing is even working... Hell, I don't even know how I got this to even potentially work. Anyway, my name is Verona (L/n)." Static sounds throughout the audio recording.

Verona: "I'm the leader of experiment Armament. All previous attempts had failed. Until we used my son. He had been born about three months before we started experimenting on him. I hate myself for doing what I did to him. Armament is... it's the worst project I've ever been apart of, and I've been apart of so many of the kings projects. The king wasn't completely satisfied with the Ackermans. So he wanted me to create a better Ackerman. Project Armament is that project." Verona sighs as a loud crashing sounds in the background. "I've got nothing left to live for anymore. My son has become a monster, and it's all my fault. I've turned my son into a monster... What the fuck is wrong with me?!" Verona breaks as he begins to cry silently. "My son is going on a rampage... I can't stop him. The power we've given him has broken his body. He's not in control. He's talking normally, even telling us what to do to try and survive his attacks. Except we're not fast enough or have the stamina to continue to dodge his attacks. He's so powerful now. I'm happy he's strong, but this shouldn't have been how he got strong. He wouldn't want to be this strong from an experiment. The good thing is... no one will ever find the secrets of Armament ever again. (Y/n) is going to destroy this place. Never again will Armament torture me." The sounds of doors being busted down almost breaks the audio.

(Y/n): "Father... the truth is I've been in control this whole time. I've had enough of the experiments, the testing, the torture. I hope you know that even after what you've done to me. I still love you. You're still my father." His voice sounded farther away than Verona's

Verona: "(Y/n)... I'm sorry I did this to you."

(Y/n): "You'll be with mom soon. I forgive you for what you've done. You can live with her in the afterlife."

Verona: "I love you, son."

(Y/n): "I love you too. Goodbye." The sound of something being crushed filled the device. "What's this. An... audio device...interesting..." The recording ends as a white haired boy holds the device in his hands.


(Y/n) POV)

I stood on top of the stone walls close to the lab I was in.

'So this is the place I was supposed to protect. No... it was a person... a king.' I jumped down the wall and landed on top of the roof softly. 'Let's kill something.' I look at all the people who both seemed to enjoy and hate their lives at the same time. 'On second thought... these people look to boring to kill.' I walked around the area, getting stares from the people. Ignored the stares and kept walking. I saw a gate opening and people walking and riding in on horses. The people looked depressed and bloodied. I saw one kid look excited to see them, but that excitement doesn't last as he looks shocked at their state.

Crowd: "These are all that made it back?" "Everyone else must've been eaten." "That's what happens when you go outside the walls."

Old lady: "Moses! Moses! Um, my son, Moses... I don't see him. Where is he?"

Guy: "This is Moses's mother. Bring it." The woman steps back as she's handed a cloth holding something inside. She unwraps it revealing an arm. She begins to cry. "That is all we managed to retrieve." She breaks down as she holds the clothed arm close to her.

Old Lady: "But my son... He helped, right? Even if he didn't do anything directly... My son's death helped humanity fight back, didn't it?!" The guy looked distraught as he knelt down in front of her.

Guy: "Of course!" He didn't sound convincing. "No. Our recon this time didn't... No, we never... Never learn a thing! It's my fault... My own incompetence killed our men! And we still don't even know what they are!
 The guy was crying now. They eventually leave but the crowd doesn't seem to like them.

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