Chapter 5

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(Y/n) POV)

I had ran out of gas a while ago. I barely had any when I killed those last titans. I ran along the roof tops, and looked at all of the destroyed ODM's below me.

'Just my luck.' The supply group wasn't that far away if I had my ODM, but I don't so it would take me a while to get there.

(3rd POV)

Connie was dragging Armin behind him with Mikasa at his side, as a titan roared behind them.

Armin: "Wait!" He broke free of Connie's grasp. "Listen to me... I have a plan!"

Connie: "A plan?"

Armin: "You two will have to execute it, so you decide. I know it's crazy, but could we use that titan?"

Connie: "That titan?"

Armin: "It attacks other titans. It isn't interested in us. Could we lead it to the supply area somehow? If it defeats the other titans, everyone might be saved!"

Connie: "Lead it?! How would we do that?"

Armin: "I think it's fighting instinctively. The two of you will defeat the titans near it. That should make it move to find more. It should head toward HQ."

Connie: "We can't do something that dangerous on a hunch!"

Armin: "but if it works, we might be able to destroy all the tians around HQ."

Mikasa: "It's worth a try."

Connie: "Huh? Are you serious?"

Mikasa: "Better to try something than to simply wait for death. Let's go with Armin's plan."

Connie: "Fight the titans with another titan?"

Mikasa: "Yes, that's right."

Connie: "If we fail, they'll laugh at us."

Armin: "But if we succeed, everyone will survive."

Mikasa: "Let's prepare ourselves." She runs off before Armin follows.

Connie: "Fine... Fine!" He follows.

(We'll now switch to horse face)

Jean: 'Do I have the right? The right to be in a position of responsibility? No. I have it wrong. This is the time. Now, with all those titans concentrated there. This is our chance!' "Now! We run into HQ right now!" He goes first while the others slowly begin to follow him. 'It's our only chance. Once we're out of gas, it's over.' "Full speed ahead!"

(Back to the badass)

Mikasa swung ahead while Connie swung behind holding Armin in his arms. The "abnormal" titan was busy punching another titans face in.

(Back to horse face)

Fodder: "Jean! thank you. Thanks to you, we made it out safely."

Jean: "Huh?"

Fodder: "It's thanks to you. I told you you're cut out for leadership!"

Jean: "I don't know about that!" Jean swung through the titan's grips before he along with six of the people with him crashed through the windows. 'How many made it?' He placed a hand on his face. 'I took advantage of our comrades' deaths. Many died at my command...' He then spotted two people out of the corner of his eye. "Aren't you guys with the supply team?"

Rando: "Yeah..." Jean then pulls him out from under the desk and punches him.

Fodder: "Stop it, Jean!"

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