Chapter 4

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(3rd POV)

Eren: "Hey Armin. Isn't this a great chance? If we're successful here, before even joining the Survey Corps, we'll definitely rise quickly through the ranks!" He smiles at Armin.

Armin: "Yeah, you're right."

I honestly forgot this girls name: "Just to be clear, a lot of people want to join the Survey Corps this time around."

Who even is this: "You got the best of me earlier, but not anymore."

Are they all fodder: "You really think so Thomas?"

Who am I kidding of course they are: "Then let's see who can kill more titans."

Everyone dies eventually: "Don't pad your numbers..."

Just a matter of time: "Team 34, advance! Support the vanguard!"

Eren: "Ok, let's go!"

(Y/n) POV)

I let out a shaky breathe as I stood on a pile of dead titans. I saw a group of people soaring through the air with their ODM gear.

'Only like... 63 more to go... fuck me...' I looked at my shattered swords. 'I'm out... damn...' I checked my ODM gear and grimaced. 'Out of gas... This couldn't get more annoying!' I heard a high pitched scream and looked towards where that group I saw was. "That doesn't sound good." I then heard a crash behind me. I turned my head and looked at the large titan. "And that doesn't either." I jumped off the titan pile as the living one tried to swipe at me. I landed on the roof of a building before disconnecting my deadweight ODM gear, and tossed my broken swords to the side. 'I'd rather not use my ability where someone could see... but if I can't find a dead soldier's gear I might have to.' I jumped to the left to dodge another swipe from a titan, and spotted a dead body with an intact ODM gear. I jump off of the building coating my feet in black, and land on the ground causing a small crater. I grab the body and run into a broken down building. I quickly unhatched the belts before pulling the corpses gear off. I picked the ODMs up and bolted to another destroyed building as a titans hand slams into the one I was in. I fumbled with the leather straps trying to get the used gear on. It took a bit longer than I would've hoped, but I did manage to strap up once more. I hopped out of the broken building and zipped up high into the sky. I saw the nape of three titans, and swung down as fast as I could. I heard the three bastards fall to the ground behind me as I land on a nearby roof once more. I exhaled as I looked over my shoulder at another three charging titans. Rain began to fall as I turned to face my targets. I barely saw a green cloak speed past me from my left. I watched a small man quickly zip and spin around the three titans. They were dead in seconds. The man landed in front of me. Only then did I recognize him. "Captain Levi... thanks..."

Levi: "Save it. Where's the rest of your group?" I took a second to catch my breath.

"I was sent alone." Levi's eyes widen ever so slightly. Barely enough to be noticeable. "I can only assume one reason why, but that's besides the point. I was told I there wouldn't be any backup, so why are you here?"

Levi: "I am the backup." I chuckled before I walked past him and to the edge of the roof. "But it appears you're fine. There isn't a scratch on you." I laughed again as I sheathed my blades.

"Wanna see something cool?" I see his head tilt slightly. I jump off the roof as a 3 meter titan charges me. I reel my fist back and feel the hardening coat of blackness cover my arm. 'Cross this off the bucket list!' I swing my fist forward and watch as the titan's head explodes from the force of my fist, and collapses to the ground. It didn't regenerate. It was dead. as. fuck. I swing back and land in front of Levi. "I believe this is why I was sent alone." I hold up my blacked out arm in front of him.

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