Wild side

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Opening your eyes, you feel a soft breeze touch your cheeks, a ray of light shines through the tree trunks window as you realise you slept your first night in Neverland.

You hear a shuffle and look down, beside you is Peter lying on the floor still asleep, the corner of your mouth lifts as you hold your gaze a little longer until you hear voices in the treehouse.

You jump out of bed and try to carefully step over him but he turns over to where you were going to place your foot and causes you to loose your balance and fall on top of him. He awakes and laughs, you quickly jump up, "sorry, I was trying to step over you but-" you try to explain yourself but he stops you
"Don't worry about it." He jumps up and strolls out of the room like nothing ever happened yesterday, you can't decide whether you feel relieved or even more hurt.

As you walk out of the room, one of the lost boys, Rocky, pulls you aside and you feel yourself fall through a hole and tumbling down, you hit the bottom quite hard, "Ow! What was that for?!"
"Shhhhh," he shushes you and helps you up, you raise an eyebrow as he innocently shrugs with a guilty smile on his face, he pulls you into a clearing where, one of the twins, you think is Flash and Bear are waiting for you. Your confused and your face must show it because quickly bear whispers, "don't worry, we are just bringing you to find breakfast,"
"Oh okay, what's with all the secretiveness? And where is Peter?" You ask starting to get concerned.
"He isn't coming and can't know otherwise he wouldn't let us bring you but we want you to have some fun," answers the twin you think is Flash, you feel happy knowing they want you to have fun and Peter wants to protect you.

Trekking far into the forest now you feel a lot less safe than you were 5 minutes ago, it's dark and damp, the odd occasional sound makes you jump but these sounds are washed out more and more the further forward you go by what seems like a rapid river. This does not seem to stop the lost boys as they keep going without a flinch nor a rethink.

You soon come to the river you felt was getting close, the water was midnight blue streaming at a deadly pace, the banks steep and covered in mud, rocks and roots from rotten trees stand their ground against the battling current. "Look! Over there!" Flash yells, pointing at a group of juicy watermelons behind the trees, "who's it gonna be? Who's gonna cross the death stream?" When no one responds he answers his own question, "I say Milly."
"What?! No! No!"
"It's your chance to prove yourself to the group, if you can cross you have the true skills of a lost boy, if not you are not worth our time or respect."
"Bear! That's harsh, your asking you to risk her life!" Rocky looks at you before continuing, "don't listen to him he doesn't know what he's getting you into."
You look down the bank at the waves crashing below and think that before you leave, this is your chance to prove yourself and leave on a good note with everyone and without thinking of the life threatening consequences you reply, "I'll do it,"
"What?! Are you kidding me?"
"He's right this is my chance,"

You leap down onto a rock above the surface, scanning the whole scene to find anything that could help you out. You spot a large but moveable branch and reach for it and grab it ready to jab into the back and lever yourself up. You go through with your somewhat heroic plan but as you do so you discover the branch was brittle and hollow and snapped with all your weight on it. You scream at the top of your lungs but see a small twig attached to the mud bank, wether it would hold your weight you wasn't sure but you had no choice but to grab onto it, you hear muffled voices but focus your concentration elsewhere: getting up the bank and retrieving the melons. The branch cracks so you hurry it along and swing yourself full force towards the top of the bank, the branch snaps off but you have enough force to land at the top. They all cheer and you milk your success by talking multiple bows.

When you turn to pick the melons you feel someone's presence behind you and you turn back to find Peter raising an eyebrow, red in the face with anger and walking closer and closer with his hands on his hips, "just what do you think your doing?"
You are about to apologise before deciding to switch things up, "whatever I want, I can do that can't I?" Before he has chance to answer you but in, "yes I can, because you can't tell me what to do!" You raise a finger and get up in his face so he backs down, you let go a little and get out of his face, "after all, I've only known you five minutes, so why does it matter?" You ask softly and turn not wanting an answer as his expression lowers.

Walking back and digging into the sweet watermelons you see Peter walking far in front alone clearly thinking about what had previously happened. You run to catch up with him and offer him some melon but he shakes his head, you joke around trying to cheer him up by waving the whole melon under his nose, he accidentally smile and you laugh, you then pick some out and bring it to his face, he opens up and you feed it him both still laughing while walking back.


At the treehouse, you are saying goodbye to all the lost boys, "I will miss you all and will definitely come to visit some time," you wave goodbye and before you know it your holding Peter's hand again and flying right back home...

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