For the second time

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Opening your eyes, you capture a familiar setting, dark wood, sea air, "I swear to god, not again!" You find yourself if a slightly different room, a bed you lay in, no weapons but clothes, no people but silence.

You force yourself to get up and storm towards the door, reaching for the golden decorative door knob, as you twist, the door doesn't budge. You yank and rattled the thick wooden door and shout, "Elijah! I swear you better let me out! I know it's you! Your a d!ck! Arghh!" You pick up a bottle of what looks like red wine and launch it towards the door, "let me out!"

"Im not letting you out when your acting like this!" You hear Eli's voice.
"What are you talking about!" You throw another bottle and watch is smash and leave red stains down the door.

"You need to calm down." He says a little sterner this time. As you launch another, he bangs on the door.

As it opens you see Elijah but a grown up version, he also got sexy, jet black hair, low voice, them hands. You walk towards him, "if you- if you drugged me again I swear!" He shuts the door and closes it behind him, as you reach him he grabs your wrists. You try to fight him and hit him but he restrains you, "You better not have!" You threaten again before he pushes you back onto the bed and turns to walk away.

"I had to," his response makes you so angry you couldn't even begin to explain the levels.

You get up and run towards him again, instead of stopping you, he let's you punch him on his chest a few times before you start crying and rest your forehead where you hit him.

Going to start again, he holds your wrists and carefully puts you to the floor making sure he doesn't hurt you. You squirm about on the floor trying to get back up but he sits on you with one knee either side, "are you done princess?"
You look from his face to him sat on you and realise you can't fight back anymore, "yes." You reluctantly reply.

"Good. I must say, you got hot."
"What do you mean good?! Why do you have me here again?!"
"It's different this time, I don't want Peter," he pauses and looks you dead in the eye, "I wanted you, we wanted you," he skilfully covers his tracks.

"Why? Are you gonna kill me?"
"No." He stands up off of you, "we wanted to make a deal with you,"
You get up off the floor and sit on the bed, "my scar still hurts by the way," you interrupt him. Rolling his eyes, he continues, "you have good fighting skills, you could be a pirate... a good one at that,"

"No. Immediately no, after everything you have done to me and Peter,"
"Ha. Didn't he just break your heart Princess?"

Handing you a cup of fresh tea you just watched him pour he carries on about Peter. You sip the tea and it warms you up nicely before you place it down and go back to the dreaded conversation.

Stopping, you think about how poorly Peter treated you, but you also think about how you still love him. Then again, Peter said Love is not real when your young, maybe he was right, maybe you didn't love him then, either way, you do now.

He looks at you and out the window before placing each fist either side of you on the edge of the bed.

Driving his hands through your hair, pulling you in, crashing his lips against yours while taking hold of your hips, a roaring sensation fires through you as you kiss him back sending chills right through you. You stand from the bed and on your tiptoes, as he kisses you again he let's go of your hips to grab your legs and wrap them around him. You connect your arms around his neck before he brings his lips to meet your neck.

"Does that help, Princess?"
You instantly pull away, and slap him hard across the face, "does that answer your question?"
He grabs your wrist, "you'll regret that,"
"Go to hell." You swiftly walk towards the exit.
"What are just gonna go back to pretty boy, and apologise for something he did, he broke your heart, how are you going to just forget, just go chasing after him, he knows you will,"
"I don't chase him."

Remembering how Peter broke your heart, Elijahs words start to change your mind, "it's not the worst idea, but it's pretty bad."
"You can get revenge."

Sweet revenge, the thing you adore most, you loved Peter but can't just forgive and forget.

"I'll do it. But I'm doing it for me. Not you."
"Oh Princess, if you work with me, you do it for me too."

Catching you off guard, he slips his hand to your lower back and pulls your hips to slam into his, but you don't resist, instead you listen to what he has to say,
"We should date."
You raise an eyebrow as if he was joking.
"I mean think about it, Peters jealous, your getting revenge and I have you."
"If we do, non of it is real, not one bit. Capeesh?"

When he confirms it, you loosen yourself from his grip to leave but he pulls you in further, "don't forget to make it real babe."
Deciding to show him up, you place your hands on his face, clasp your lips around his bottom lip, engage him in, slip your tongue in and with draw without causing too much satisfaction.

"I know what I'm doing, babe."

"Clearly you do. So do I," he grabs the back of your legs and sits you on the desk.

Begging for more each second, he constantly kisses you. You don't let yourself be bothered by it but let him have his fun and play with you before jumping down, "that's enough sexy,"
He wipes his lips.
"You think I'm sexy?"
"Do you have a mirror?"
He smirks at you, "your not so bad yourself."
"I know, you've said." You remind him, "I'm a weapon."

You leave feeling like a queen.

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