Breaking free

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"Yes Princess," he calls, following the sound of your call and arriving before you.
"Let's take a break."
"From us?"
"No! I mean- no. Not what I meant,"
He raises an eyebrow, trying to read why you were so bothered by taking a break from each other.

"What did you mean then gorgeous?" Striding over to pour himself a shot, preparing himself for what came next.

"Neverland. Only for a day or so, you know, think of it as, maybe- oh right, breaking free from the plan."
"I'm listening,"
"We could go back to the mainland, have fun, enjoy ourselves, there is a fair on today's date, we could then get something to eat or whatever it is," you place your hands on his neck and rub his jaw with your thumb, gently but convincingly, "just you and me, doing whatever we want, for a whole day."

"We need to stay on track, but maybe if there was more," he asks for more, you and him both know what he wants.

Rising up on your tiptoes, you are slightly closer to his face but still quite a bit smaller, "we could make it real," you offer, knowing he'll give in.

"Know we're talking."
"But only for a day, while the plan is on hold,"
"Of course my Princess,"
"For today, yes." He grabs your hips, "today, your mine, I can do whatever I want. Right?"
"Of course, but so can I."
"Rightly so."


Getting ready to leave, you step off the ship, onto the frosty spring morning ground and feel a slightly chilly shade. Stepping into the sun, you soon warm up and Elijah arrives with a very random apple, "breakfast, can't go without it."

"Guess so." As he walks past you, he throws the apple over his shoulder and into your hands...

..."Don't forget your orange m'lady."
Facing him, he throws the orange over to you and into your hands...

Envisioning Peter in the same scenario, you stop yourself and force yourself into thinking about Elijah, topless, "that should distract me enough."

"Did you say something Princess?"
"No! I'm coming!" You lightly run over to him and walk by his side.

Unexpectedly, he takes your hand and you look up at him, as if you were about to question him, but he keeps his gaze forward, persistent to not make eye contact with you. You hold his forearm with your other hand while resting your head on his shoulders, walking off to where it all began, London, hopefully this time, returning wouldn't be so sad...


"This is amazing!" You cry out as your feet hit the floor, staring into the colourful and jolliness of the fairground waiting for you.

"I think I might pass on this one, carnivals aren't my thing."
"Oh please Elijah."
"I love hearing you beg,"
"Seriously. Please come, it's my absolute favourite, it would mean the world to me,"
He looks over your head at the Ferris wheel, "fine, fine."
"Yes! Come on!" You drag him by the hand and sprint into the fair waiting for you.

Running over to the helter skelter, he pushes in front, "I'm going first!"
"Oh your do not!"
You both race up the stairs, him beating you up there, quickly slides down before you. With no hesitation, you slide right after him, and watch the lights, music, people all spin past in a blur, having the time of your life.

Crashing into the back of him at the bottom, "sh!t, sorry!" You stand and he laughs, running off to race to the next ride again.

You surprisingly make your way around all the rides you wanted to go on before 4:00: helter skelter, swing boat, carousel, bumper cars and finally the Ferris wheel, you saved best till last.

"Last but not least,"
"Let's go Princess," you stand looking up at the sky high wheel before going off to the ticket booth.

Slowly rising to the top, you feel a sudden tension as Elijah says, "we should talk,"
"I think your possibly right,"

Your at the top and he is about to let out what you can tell has been on his mind for a little while, "so, me and y-"

"Who now?"
A voice you so fondly recognise as Peter Pans appeared from behind you making you slowly turning around.

Mouthing, "what are you doing here?",Peter is not subtle at all by answering in normal voice, on purpose.
"Well what you two are doing, having fun!"
He flies over to the swinging chair and hovers above.

"Don't make space." Eli whispers in your ear.
"That's rude." You whisper back, moving over so Peter can sit with you.

"How are you doing m'lady?"
He puts his arm around you, generously smiling at you. Quicker than lighting, Elijah flings it back as he catches you staring into his eyes. You were so captured, amazed by how pretty boy he was, he had you butterflied in the stomach, "I'm doing great thank you Peter,"

"Yeah, we are, did she tell you that today we are r-"
"Relatively speaking, closer than before,"
You finish his sentence not wanting Peter to find out you told Elijah you could be real for a day.

"Right. Closer." Peter confused as ever, asks another, "what are you planning after this?"
"Well not a lot-"
"Whatever it is, I'm coming with you beautiful."

Rolling your eyes, you accidentally let a smile form. Meanwhile, Elijah is warning Peter about calling you m'lady and beautiful.

The wheel is beginning to lower to the ground again and the fair about to close, you all decide to leave.

"What next Princess, and the frog," Elijah makes a joke towards Peter and he laughs it off.
"Princess? Really?" Peter questions Eli, which was not the best idea.
Eli grabs his throat and threatens him again.
"Go on, do it. You won't in front of her, your weak for her." Everyone in that very moment knew that he was right, so right that Eli let go and walked ahead.

"Did you have to go after him like that?"
"Told him the truth and he didn't like it."
"Come on Peter."
You grab his hand and chase after Elijah, to fix this problem that may be ever so much deeper than what it first seems.

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