The kidnapping

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Whistling along you are, down to the dock with fishing crates, you have a feeling it's going to be a weird but good day.

You grab a crate and immediately realise it's still wet with a fishy damp feeling, you drop it without hesitation, but it lands on your foot, "Ah fu-" before the words can leave your mouth someone covers it, not with a hand but what feels like a cloth, restricting you from talking, breathing and making you feel dizzy and confused before you feel your body collapse, not to the floor but in someone's arms, until all you see it black.


Pounding in your head wakes you sharply to a dark room, with what you make out from the blur, a desk and chair, a figure that becomes clearer as you reorientate yourself and they emerge closer, you see a tall, dark short haired boy, a little older than you, around 15 or so, piercing green eyes.

"Who are you!" You shout about to stand but can't and find out your tied to a chair.
"Can't tell you that sorry love," his gravelly calm voice shocks you and you are stunned until the recent memories come flooding back,
"You drugged me," He doesn't answer at first, "didn't you!" You yell, demanding an answer
"Sorry princess, I do what I gotta do,"
"Yeah I bet," you roll your eyes at him.
"Quite the attitude huh?"
"Untie me! Now!"
"And the temper,"

"What do you want from me?" You tremble and break down in tears, he walks up to you, bends down, his face meters from yours, your looking down snivelling, he lifts your chin up.

"Nice try, but I'm not that naive, even if you were crying it wouldn't win me over,"
"Oh don't worry, that wasn't my intention," you smirk at him and slip your hands out of the poorly tied knot you had been working on, you jump up as the rest of the rope slides down the chair.

Pushing him back by the neck, you pin him to the desk and hold the letter opener close by up to his throat, "tell me why you drugged me and brought me here," you order him.

"that was too predictable," he smirks right back at your confused expression, but you realise you did everything right except fall for what he had said, you lost your concentration and he slipped free, he pulls you up over his shoulder and slams you to the ground, he straddles you and pins you, "you did good, but got cocky and lost," he gets up and huffs before slumping down, "your wasting my time,"

"If you could tie a knot we wouldn't be here, would we?"
He looks up at you, only using his eyes, "Sit. Down."
"Oh cmon don't give in that easily,"
"I won't fight you,"
"You already did,"
"That was barely the beginning,"

"Fine then tell my why you want me," you walk over to his desk and slam your hands down,
"Fine. We are using you to lure Peter Pan in,"
He slams back and stands up, you are both staring into each other's dark intentional eyes, he grabs your wrist, and pulls you over to the chair, he throws you onto it, and begins to retie it, you let him as you know it won't matter.

"So your name?" You ask trying to start a conversation.
"Hm. Amber,"

"Such a pleasure." He looks at you with a sarcastic look.
"Well I'm glad we met,"
As you say that you catch him trying to hide his smirk.

"And whys that?"
"Your a d!ck, why would I be happy."

You scream at the top of your lungs making him jump from his chair and cover your mouth,
You laugh knowing he isn't going to be in good books, "bad boy huh?"

You hear a thud and a familiar voice, "Hook, we know you have her and we want her back."

"Finally." He stands up puts his cloak on and grabs his sword, heading for the cabin door.
"Wait! Elijah!" He stops and looks at you, "what do you plan to do with me after you assume your going to win?"
"Why do you care if you think I'll lose?"
"Oh I know you'll lose I just wanna know,"
"You'll see." He winks before walking out.

Untying the atrocious rope again you run over to the weapon wall in front and find the perfect one.

Beyond the door you discover your on the jolly Rogers. "Peter! Peter where are you?" "Elijah!!"
"What?!" You hear a response from above the cabin, "typical the one I want to answer, doesn't and the one I don't, does." You mutter under your breath.

Sprinting to the deck you find Hook and Peter fighting, "so that's the b@stard that had me drugged by his own son," you run towards him but Elijah swings in front of him and walks intimidatingly towards you. Behind you, the steps are rapidly getting closer, you take the risk of leaping high into the air, throwing your weight backwards and trying a backflip, you land two feet, extremely proud and buzzing inside, outside you hide that and pretend you could do that in your sleep.

"Impressive." He raises his eyebrows still walking towards you, you lunge at him and he dodges, he strikes back but you dodge. Swinging at you, he hits you in the stomach, you feel a slice through your waist, you look down, see and feel the blood, you look at him, his face blank, expressionless. You drop to the floor in silence- in pain, you see him standing there almost...proud.

"AMBER!" You hear Peter call out, "Amber! Where are you? What's going on!!!"
"PETER!!" You yell and scream in pain again,
"I-I can't get to you!" Shortly after you hear a thud and silence before the commotion uproars again.

What happened to Peter? Why can't I hear him? Where is he? Why won't he help me?
Your head bursts with questions until you face your biggest problem.

While Peter can't help you have no choice,you stare into his eyes with the most pleading look you could make and you mutter, "please Elijah,"

The pain is stinging more by the second, the burning sensation is almost unbearable, your white summer dress infected with scarlet red blood, spreading throughout your dress.

You look back up at Elijah who you can tell is changing his mind, he looks around and back at you before shaking his head, "I don't believe this." He picks you up from the ground, creasing your stomach causing more unimaginable pain,
"Ah!" You yell again
"Sorry, I'm sorry."

He takes you into the cabin, lays you down on the floor and kneels below you, "um, oh sh!t it's a dress," he hovers his hands above you not knowing where to start. "I need to see the cut..."

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