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2 days.

The H/C haired girl woke bright and early the next day, already pacing down the path that lead to where her ex currently remained captive. She was just appreciative that her mind hand woken up with a sudden change of pace, a surge of confidence and determination flooding her veins, growing rapidly with each quick step she took. That, of course, didn't completely wipe out all the dread, however. That certainly still lingered.

Her hands were constantly clenching and unclenching from where they hung by her hips, her fingers flexing every once in a while purely out of nervous habits. She never imagined seeing herself here in this position today, and she used to feel sort of contempt knowing that she never had to expect this day to arrive - and yet here she was, proving herself wrong. She could only hope she wouldn't come to regret it.

It didn't take much longer of fast pacing until she arrived within view of the nightmare-inducing structure, the very building she despised most in these troubled lands. Usually by now, she'd have staggered breaths and shaky balance from just being within a glance from the place, but today was different. She had adrenaline pumping through her blood, assuring her that she would be fine and that her usual anxieties would soon fade away like white noise. A determined outlook was prominent in her eyes, a look she hadn't worn in months, if not years. It felt good to be back on her feet once again.

After taking her momentary pause, she continued her route down the prime path towards Bad and Skeppy's mansion, following it's jagged and clearly unreformed planks with quick feet. She wasn't too surprised however, considering how she hadn't seen the pair too often since the egg had grown increasingly more popular. They weren't the first pair to go missing off the radar since, that's for sure. It wasn't as though she hadn't heard word that Bad had quite an involvement with the egg, either - Skeppy, however, she wasn't too sure. He'd been gone for a long time, much longer than his roommate, even. She could only hope that they were both okay, and at least safe from danger.

Dismissing the irrelevant thoughts from her mind, she soon slowed to a gradual stop, having noticed how she now stood in front of her destination within a mere few feet's distance. This was by far the closest she had been in contact with the building ever, even before Dream's imprisonment. It'd always rubbed her the wrong way - but then again, she supposed that was the point. Prisons aren't supposed to seem welcoming or pleasant, rather quite the opposite.

A tall figure emerged from the large portal that sat inside of the entrance, his posture standing high and strong whilst his build and appearance never failed to daunt her. Countless plates of golden armor covered his every limb and possible exposure of skin.

Sam, or as people most commonly know him, Awesamdude.

A long, sharp blade of netherite bared by his own gloved hands rested against his shoulder. His dark green, wavy locks hanging over his forehead, matching the small freckles of green that splattered across his face like paint. A small golden crown perched upon the top of his head, practically boasting the powerful role that he played in the SMP, despite not being a member of royalty, much like King Eret. Though honestly if it really came down to it, she'd probably fear Sam much more than she would Eret, as unfortunate as it was to say. Even without the higher power, he could inflict much more than just fear upon many that knew him.

By the looks of things, he was approaching her way, presumably having seen her on one of the entrance security cameras or such. It was no surprise to her, really, considering how fortified the place seemed to be.

She couldn't deny feeling somewhat intimidated once her eyes met his piercing ones, a ring of white surrounding his pupils whilst the rest remained a deep black colour. Mysterious, yet all the more terrifying - pretty fitting for the guy. Still, he couldn't compare to her biggest anxieties of the time, that emotion had already been reserved.

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